dear brothers and sisters .. . is the first time reviewing a book I read ... do not you take offense to the title ... after all is a book for Christians ... it is a true story ... but before going ahead with the comment I leave you to read the story ...
" At the height of his career, crowned with success and wealth, the search for new experiences led her to meet an esoteric group that promises excitement and happiness. By having it meet the reality of the most powerful satanic cult operating in Italy, whose members include some of the most famous and influential personalities in the country. It is the beginning of a shattering experience, that the door - she admits - to do everything except murder: the black masses, initiation rites, sacrifices to Satan follow in a vortex of evil practices in which, under constant the influence of drugs, contact with reality is lost gradually. Rose one by one the steps of the internal hierarchy of the sect, is then responsible for removing a personality church (although no name is specified in the introduction, from the first chapter is now revealed that it is di Chiara Amirante - fondatrice di "Nuovi Orizzonti"), nemica giurata della setta. È a quel punto che capisce che non può andare oltre e, aggrappandosi alle ultime forze della volontà, decide di fuggire, trovando riparo in una comunità religiosa. Sconvolgenti sono le testimonianze anche di questo periodo: dal parlare lingue sconosciute al trovarsi in possesso di una forza sovrumana, dal non sentire alcun dolore fisico fino al camminare su pareti e soffitti. Tutti segni della presenza diabolica che la possiede. Fino a quando, dopo tre anni di terapia ed esorcismi, viene infine liberata dal maligno. Sotto la condizione dell'anonimato - il nome fittizio di Michela è un omaggio a San Michele Arcangelo - ha accettato di raccontare throughout its history. To ensure nobody can relive his ordeal. Because Satan exists and she has met " .
in the final pages of the book there is a color insert that talks about the community," New Horizons "with pictures and commentary by Chiara Amirante
the book is very interesting though it takes a bit of guts to read it in one breath ... I was also useful if the theme is pretty raw, and alive to confirm yet another conversion that has called me to reflect on some aspects of my life that, taken the newspaper, I'd put in the "closet" ... the root of the reflection was that of being realized that more often underestimate the forces that move around us and who are opposed to Christ. In fact, contrary to popular belief, we as a "besieged fortress" (St. Ignatius of Loyola) ... I realized that often follows the fall and sin without actually make me realize that I'm not doing this just to hurt me same but I choose to be on the other side of the fence ... I think that we Christians are called to be united in prayer, pray for each other constantly because they do not believe enough to not fall ... prayer is the most potent force powerful that God has placed in our hands ... beautiful food for thought on the values \u200b\u200bof chastity, obedience and poverty ... good read
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