Monday, December 3, 2007

Free Milena Velba Images

Amos 8, 11

"11 Ecco, verranno giorni, - dice il Signore Dio - in cui manderò la fame nel paese, non fame di pane, né sete di acqua, ma d`ascoltare la word of the Lord. "
... no food or water for the members, but sustenance for the spirit ... I scan with my heart and I see how the Spirit of man is starving ... and this means that the man is no longer a man ... I think that the days announced by the Lord have never been so necessary as upcoming ... a society without reference points, values \u200b\u200b.... more and more distant from the blind know really ... , unable to see where it's going to ... maybe even disinterested in finding an answer ... the spirit is in man but man can not own it ... the hunger of the spirit ... the spirit is evident yells but he does not hear him ... selfishness destroy the conscience ... do not know our identity as children of God .. I would almost say "we do not want to acknowledge" our creaturialità this ... this is why Jesus Christ is increasingly being slapped, insulted, mocked, annulled, considered inconvenient and dangerous enemy to harass, upset, fall silent, overcome by all means ... never as in these days the language, as well as actions, he did not believe that bad ... I do not know that man in history has done worse ... wars, persecutions, Crusades , burnings, inquisitions ... but today we are on the threshold of 2008, and noted with regret that history repeats itself dressed and masked in a different guise ... why? why all this ... even though we are all less "ignorant" with this great Acquaintances science and technology that allow us to project our lives on? this great man's mind dominates, controls all ... ... decides on the nature, birth, disease, evolution, laws, will, freedom ... sure ... God gave us this commandment when we were created ... is inherent in us ... is part of us ... but we also have the gift of intelligence that allows us to decide and act in an evangelical way, not Christocentric egocentric ... how can a man go without God? without faith? without words of eternal life? without the words of a master? ... the only master of love? ... the man can do anything without Jesus will never in true love ... without God, man will not know the fullness of Love will ... always a flat two-dimensional ... ... in the absence of depth of feeling .... the Love of God is like a river that overflows in the dryness of our hearts ... exists but does not really live because we live in the flesh but dead in the Spirit ... ... and as precious as your body like water flowing is life for our members, so the Word of God quenches the Spirit and gives relief ... is in the eating and drinking of this word that the man will regain inner peace ... "I hope that the days when everyone will have a hunger for you Lord to come soon ... and even more hope and certainty that I know, for your mercy, continue to feed that evening with plenty ... give us perseverance and hunger per ricevere la gioia e il gusto di meditare i Tuoi insegnamenti".


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