Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How Far Should A Table Be From The Couch

courses in March: Saturday, 28 construction of a new slate with slate-colored and country music

Saturday, March 28 to propose a course to create a new slate with slate-colored and country music. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work done as soon as possible to insert a photo sample. Who wants to participate
call me to book the creative pomerggio No. 0384805938. We will meet Saturday at 15:30 in my shop ART AND CARDS located in Corso Vittorio Veneto n ° 30 to Mede (PV). The cost of each afternoon is Euro 25.00, including all the material used.
For the months of February, March and April for those who book three electives, a discount di 5,00 Euro per ciascun corso.
Il programma dei prossimi mesi verrĂ  scelto a breve.


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