Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Doesnt Alexis Texas

Non capita tutti i giorni e non capita a tutti. Farsi baciare la mano dal Dalai Lama!!!!

A me è capitato e voglio condividere this beautiful, curious and unexpected experience with you all.
days ago I chaired a press conference the Dalai Lama, new to these parts. Over 200 people have listened to his brief introduction and then they launched into a long Q & A (questions and answers).
One was about the lack of "guidance" from parents and teachers. "Once the boys were most popular, both by parents than by teachers - said the Dalai Lama - and sometimes it just escaped an affectionate slap ..." After raising my hand (which keeps close when I'm sitting next to him) and strikes. Affectionately, but surely. I do a bit 'of rigamarole and say (quietly, but the microphone captures something) "but then the Chinese are right, you're a violent ....". And what does he do? He turns to me, against me takes his hand, caresses and starts kissing her! He concludes with his usual genial sarcasm: "Where are the Chinese journalists? Please do not miss this scene .... the devil says" sorry ha ha ha "

And down with his laugh, unsettling how sincere.

does not stop there. After the official program, I followed a visit to the temple of Zenkoji, one of the oldest and most important of Japan. One of the more "open", where sectarianism is banned and where the monks are known (and often criticized) for their way of life. Somewhat "liberal". They can all eat, drink, have sexual relations. During lunch, during which the Dalai Lama still wanted me beside him, the monks asked him to everything local (often by me, mistaking him for an interpreter ....) by "the likes raw fish?" to "but she smokes? All questions that the Dalai Lama to avoid rispostacce has ragito with laughter (and sometimes real grins). At one point, as good Japanese (and in the national DNA, including monks), the monks asked if they could take pictures. Please note that photographs of people in Japan - and in particular the VIP - which is extremely rude and while eating is generally nobody does. In fact, the monks waited politely that the Dalai Lama posasse chopsticks.
Macchi. "You want to photograph? Course. But wait, with the mouth full is better, no? So then you move these photos and you do a lot of laughs ...". Then he turns to me and involves me. "Here, let us together. A Tibetan and an Italian who use your chopsticks to eat Italian pasta ..... But that is good"

Eventually, the bat. "But it's true - asks rhetorically, and apparently concerned about - that you can make noise with your mouth, eating pasta?". The natives capture the message and, one after another, fanno sparire le macchinette fotografiche sotto le tuniche. E, uno alla volta, cominciano a salutare. Guardandomi un po' di traverso, come sospettassero fossi stato io a suggerire la domanda.

Anche Sua Santità si ritira. Non senza lasciare il segno...."Beh, io sono stanco. Vi lascio in ostaggio mio fratello...lui è...dei mi raccomando...non fate le ore piccole".

Suo fratello? Già, Tentsin Choegyal, alias Ngari Rinpoche (nelle foto, oggi e all'età di 2 anni). Dieci anni meno del Dalai Lama, "pecora nera" della family. Escaped from the temple where he was to reside after being recognized as the reincarnation of an important lama, then from two colleges (one Catholic) in India, who served in the Indian army (for a few months) and then retired to private life without create some embarrassment as he drinks, smokes and does not mind the colorful language. We did the 4 night. The interview, which touched on every conceivable topic, began at 4 pm, at his hotel, and ended at 4 am, in a tavern near the station of Yokohama, where we finished following a group of Japanese fans, happy for the victory of their team. Needless to say, the interview can not remember, alas, much.
Se in qualche modo riesco a ricostruirla, ci scappa un bel servizio.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Denman Brushes Florida

Discount corpse

I giapponesi sono estremamente superstiziosi e temono, tra tutti, i fantasmi. Soprattutto quello delle persone uccise o dei morti suicidi. Al punto che per legge, nei contratti d’acquisto o di affitto di immobili, il proprietario deve indicare, pena nullità dell’atto e diritto al risarcimento, se nell’appartamento si è verificato, a rigor di memoria, un delitto di sangue o un suicidio. Ma la crisi aguzza l’ingegno e passa sopra a tutto, anche alla jattura. Tant’è che da un po’ di tempo non è difficile imbattersi, nelle bacheche delle agenzie immobiliari written in like the one pictured: Tokubetsu boshu, "special offers". The Japanese love to go around for things and concepts, and would not be possible to imagine an ad like "special offer studio ghost." But this is all about. Half the price, provided you do not go too subtle.

Even the UR, the agency governatiova for public housing, embarked on this new business, following the dramatic increase in deaths solitary or kodokushi. What is becoming lonely deaths, after the suicides, a sort of national emergency. At the point of being cited by new Prime Minister Naoto Kan, one of the most serious and worrying social problems Japanese society. According to official statistics in Tokyo last year died, in total solitude, 2200 people. It takes, days, months, sometimes years to discover the bodies. Sometimes, they explain to the Office for Social Affairs, there are only bones. "There are problems even to clean the apartment - one official explained to me - the floor, which is made of mats, is soaked and damaged by the moods of the corpse. But nobody wants to bear the costs of removing the tatami and personal effects. Moreover, those living alone, often die alone. "

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flutters In The Upper Left Back

Year 2011 All Aboard June 19 to 25 cruises to the Aeolian

L'ADR è pronta per una nuova settimana di monitoraggio.

DAL 19 AL 25 GIUGNO 2010 (per altre date contattaci o visita il sito)

Se vuoi vivere il mare in totale armonia con la natura, se vuoi imparare a riconoscere i delfini del Mediterraneo, dare un contributo alla ricerca e godere di una rilassante vacanza in barca a vela...
...ecco il viaggio che fa per te!

con lo staff dell'Aeolian Dolphin Research alla scoperta dei delfini del Mediterraneo

19 - 25 Giugno 2010
528€ a persona
Incluso nel prezzo: adesione annuale associazione, skipper, naturalista, carburante barca e tender, gas cucina, utilizzo attrezzatura di bordo, assicurazione imbarcazione e tender.

Non incluso nel prezzo: cambusa, eventuali ormeggi nei porti, la pulizia finale di 50€ da dividere tra i partecipanti.

Barca a vela:
Beneteau Oceanis Clipper 411
4 cabine,
2 wc,
Lunghezza: 12,71 mt.
Larghezza: 3,95 mt.
Pescaggio: 1,70 mt.
Serbatoio acqua: 580 lt.
Serbatoio gasolio: 150 lt.
Motore: Yanmar 56 hp
Certificato CE: A/10

- abbigliamento sportivo
- crema solare
- occhiali da sole
- attrezzatura per chi volesse fare snorkeling
- attrezzatura foto -video e binocolo per uso personale

Da ricordare: gli animali sono liberi. In alcuni casi sarà facile avvistarli e studiarli, in altri il loro avvistamento potrebbe risultare difficile. Anche un dato negativo rappresenta un’informazione di grande importanza ai fini di una ricerca scientifica.

Per qualsiasi informazione o richiesta siamo a disposizione:
contattaci direttamente al
tel. 3345912744
oppure tramite email:

Sito internet:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sony Sr200p Desbloquear Area

week of June - Boarding Milazzo

In barca a vela con lo staff dell'Aeolian Dolphin Research alla scoperta dei Delfini del Mediterraneo

Il fascino indescrivibile delle isole Eolie ci accompagna alla ricerca dei delfini che risiedono nel nostro mare

Buongiorno a tutti i soci e a tutti gli iscritti alla nostra newsletter, comunichiamo le date disponibili nel mese di giugno per le crociere settimanali di dolphin watching.

Date disponibili e quote di partecipazione a persona:

dal 05/06 al 11/06 a 528 euro
dal 12/06 al 18/06 a 528 euro
dal 19/06 al 25/06 a 528 euro
dal 26/06 al 02/07 a 578 euro
Incluso nel prezzo: adesione annuale all'associazione, carburante, gas per la cucina, pernottamento in barca, and experienced skipper on board of cetaceans, contribution to research, use of equipment, insurance and boat tender
Excluded from price: food and any mooring in ports, the final cleaning 50 € to be divided among the participants.

Some information about how to place the research - primarily through the lessons on board, all participants, even those with less experience will be enabled to distinguish the various species of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, will be coordinated in order to learn techniques observation, what to do in case of sighting, photo-identification, non-invasive method of study.
A survey (monitoring) shall be a visual and acoustic navigation to search Cetacea (with observers always on call and, in turn, using a hydrophone to capture the sounds made by dolphins). Every 30 minutes are recorded navigational data and weather conditions. As soon as the sighting, the dolphins are monitored for several hours, if possible, while maintaining the distance to record the natural behavior of animals, using sampling techniques.

So what are you waiting? Open to all, it is not necessary to be expert sailors. You can invite relatives and friends trying to get away from city traffic, to live the sea at 360, to learn, study and admire the magnificent whales that reside nelle nostre acque. Prenotate subito il vostro posto a bordo e......viaaa!!!

- abbigliamento sportivo
- crema solare
- occhiali da sole
- attrezzatura per chi volesse fare snorkeling
- attrezzatura foto-video e binocolo per uso personale

Chiunque fosse interessato ai Weekend può consultare la pagina o contattarci al 334.5912744

Nota: si prega tutti coloro che desiderano partecipare, di comunicare in tempo la propria disponibilità in modo tale da poter raggiungere il numero di partecipanti sufficiente e organizzare le partenze.

tel: +393345912744