Non capita tutti i giorni e non capita a tutti. Farsi baciare la mano dal Dalai Lama!!!!
A me è capitato e voglio condividere this beautiful, curious and unexpected experience with you all.
days ago I chaired a press conference the Dalai Lama, new to these parts. Over 200 people have listened to his brief introduction and then they launched into a long Q & A (questions and answers).
One was about the lack of "guidance" from parents and teachers. "Once the boys were most popular, both by parents than by teachers - said the Dalai Lama - and sometimes it just escaped an affectionate slap ..." After raising my hand (which keeps close when I'm sitting next to him) and strikes. Affectionately, but surely. I do a bit 'of rigamarole and say (quietly, but the microphone captures something) "but then the Chinese are right, you're a violent ....". And what does he do? He turns to me, against me takes his hand, caresses and starts kissing her! He concludes with his usual genial sarcasm: "Where are the Chinese journalists? Please do not miss this scene .... the devil says" sorry ha ha ha "
And down with his laugh, unsettling how sincere.
does not stop there. After the official program, I followed a visit to the temple of Zenkoji, one of the oldest and most important of Japan. One of the more "open", where sectarianism is banned and where the monks are known (and often criticized) for their way of life. Somewhat "liberal". They can all eat, drink, have sexual relations. During lunch, during which the Dalai Lama still wanted me beside him, the monks asked him to everything local (often by me, mistaking him for an interpreter ....) by "the likes raw fish?" to "but she smokes? All questions that the Dalai Lama to avoid rispostacce has ragito with laughter (and sometimes real grins). At one point, as good Japanese (and in the national DNA, including monks), the monks asked if they could take pictures. Please note that photographs of people in Japan - and in particular the VIP - which is extremely rude and while eating is generally nobody does. In fact, the monks waited politely that the Dalai Lama posasse chopsticks.
Macchi. "You want to photograph? Course. But wait, with the mouth full is better, no? So then you move these photos and you do a lot of laughs ...". Then he turns to me and involves me. "Here, let us together. A Tibetan and an Italian who use your chopsticks to eat Italian pasta ..... But that is good"
Eventually, the bat. "But it's true - asks rhetorically, and apparently concerned about - that you can make noise with your mouth, eating pasta?". The natives capture the message and, one after another, fanno sparire le macchinette fotografiche sotto le tuniche. E, uno alla volta, cominciano a salutare. Guardandomi un po' di traverso, come sospettassero fossi stato io a suggerire la domanda.
Anche Sua Santità si ritira. Non senza lasciare il segno...."Beh, io sono stanco. Vi lascio in ostaggio mio fratello...lui è...dei vostri...ma mi raccomando...non fate le ore piccole".

Suo fratello? Già, Tentsin Choegyal, alias Ngari Rinpoche (nelle foto, oggi e all'età di 2 anni). Dieci anni meno del Dalai Lama, "pecora nera" della family. Escaped from the temple where he was to reside after being recognized as the reincarnation of an important lama, then from two colleges (one Catholic) in India, who served in the Indian army (for a few months) and then retired to private life without create some embarrassment as he drinks, smokes and does not mind the colorful language. We did the 4 night. The interview, which touched on every conceivable topic, began at 4 pm, at his hotel, and ended at 4 am, in a tavern near the station of Yokohama, where we finished following a group of Japanese fans, happy for the victory of their team. Needless to say, the interview can not remember, alas, much.
Se in qualche modo riesco a ricostruirla, ci scappa un bel servizio.