I giapponesi sono estremamente superstiziosi e temono, tra tutti, i fantasmi. Soprattutto quello delle persone uccise o dei morti suicidi. Al punto che per legge, nei contratti d’acquisto o di affitto di immobili, il proprietario deve indicare, pena nullità dell’atto e diritto al risarcimento, se nell’appartamento si è verificato, a rigor di memoria, un delitto di sangue o un suicidio. Ma la crisi aguzza l’ingegno e passa sopra a tutto, anche alla jattura. Tant’è che da un po’ di tempo non è difficile imbattersi, nelle bacheche delle agenzie immobiliari written in like the one pictured: Tokubetsu boshu, "special offers". The Japanese love to go around for things and concepts, and would not be possible to imagine an ad like "special offer studio ghost." But this is all about. Half the price, provided you do not go too subtle.

Even the UR, the agency governatiova for public housing, embarked on this new business, following the dramatic increase in deaths solitary or kodokushi. What is becoming lonely deaths, after the suicides, a sort of national emergency. At the point of being cited by new Prime Minister Naoto Kan, one of the most serious and worrying social problems Japanese society. According to official statistics in Tokyo last year died, in total solitude, 2200 people. It takes, days, months, sometimes years to discover the bodies. Sometimes, they explain to the Office for Social Affairs, there are only bones. "There are problems even to clean the apartment - one official explained to me - the floor, which is made of mats, is soaked and damaged by the moods of the corpse. But nobody wants to bear the costs of removing the tatami and personal effects. Moreover, those living alone, often die alone. "
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