The agreement with the United States, which seems eternal and armored, has already produced fatal effects for the Democratic Party was forced to abandon old positions anti-bases and risk paying a high price in terms of elections. On the occasion of the upcoming elections for the partial replacement of the upper house, the prtito democratic, can not even place a candidate in the four single-member districts and proportional is forced to support - without much enthusiasm - Senator Shoukichi Kina outgoing, popular songwriter, coordinator of the local party, which has "broken" with the party and are driving these days the island aboard a minibus with the words: "Whatever one may decide to Tokyo, here the new base will not be." When Prime Minister Kan, his personal friend for years, went to Okinawa, on 23 June, preferred not to meet him. And to think that fifteen years ago, was to pray Kan Kina to follow him during the election campaign across Japan due to its popularity and impact of his songs protest.

Meanwhile, the story of Okinawa and the new, "building" base of Henok, becomes even more complicated. Despite the agreement between the two governments, the fact remains that the last word is the governor of the island (which has an autonomous status) and, ultimately, of the population, since Kan also reiterated, in the days past, that it will not use force to dismantle the small, but strategic and capillaries, "manned" who for years have effectively blocked the start of work.

institutional level there are also new. The popular fighting el Yoichi Ina, mayor of Ginowan, the city whose center is busy (literally) from the giant military base in Futenma (unique in the world: the airstrip is located in the center and caused the highest rate of deafness in the country, in the population), has decided to to sue the central government. Pending likely to announce its candidacy for governor, the mayor has confirmed that it will sue the government for damage caused during the years the population. "The base has proved to be dangerous and harmful to the citizens, which, in addition to political relevance, results in civil and criminal liability."
For once, there would be copied by the Japanese.

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