Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wording For 35 Birthday Invitation

Polveri sottili a Milano, quale verità?

If you wanted information about the "quality 'air in Milan in 2010 " (know what it', let's see what I breathed in the year just concluded), would remain overwhelmed by doubts. To begin with, the first two links which Google are quite contradictory answers:
  1. [gloomy] 's quality air, Milan collapses in the standings - from the archive of the Republic, an article in the Oct. 19 citing as source the seventeenth report, "Urban Ecosystem " of Legambiente, which states that Milan has given seventeen rankings than the previous year's standings, having recorded an increase (very modest, to be honest) the concentration of fine particles and, above all, a strong increase in ozone concentration
  2. [blue skies] TOWN MILAN - Improve air quality . The note published on November 9 cites data published by ARPA, Regional Agency Environmental Protection Agency that constantly monitors the situation. According to official reports the City, the concentration of PM10 and 'diminished even further than last year, which was the best year since we measure that value, in addition, fine particles have been halved compared to a decade ago.
So, what 'the truth' on which 'the air we breathe? Perhaps the answer is' contained in this third article, the first ranking on Google if you search for "data ARPA underestimated "

  • EU data on smog understated - from the archives of Corriere , an article last March, in which we learn of a study by the European Commission that the units ARPA systematically underestimate the concentrations of PM10 by about 40%. The measures would be much more 'below those recorded by the EU as more technical' concentrations are high.
E 'plausible, then, that the data held by the City certifies at least the trend of improvement in the quality' of the air that there 'was certainly in the last ten years (for one thing we believe: ARPA control units have provided similar data, and comparable with one another, 'cause with the same type of error), however, considered the effects of underestimation ARPA, non c'e' da fidarsi dei raffronti anno su anno. Probabilmente, nel 2010 le cose non sono andate cosi' bene come vorrebbero farci credere...

E dire che io ero partito cercando una semplice conferma alla sensazione che fosse stato un anno tutto sommato positivo per quello che riguardava le polveri sottili in citta'.  Con tutta l'acqua che ha fatto , dico io! Il 2010, infatti, e' stato un anno record per le precipitazioni su Milano e su buona parte della Lombardia, ma anche sul resto della pianura padana: basti pensare a cosa e' successo a Novembre  in Veneto . Io ho sempre saputo che la pioggia abbatte drasticamente le concentrazioni di PM10 e, considerato che abbiamo avuto - solo in autunno, come dimenticarli :-( - dieci weekend di pioggia consecutivi, mi sarei aspettato un effetto positivo sullo smog misurato. Non e' che anche Legambiente c'ha le sonde starate??? Mah. Voi che ne pensate?


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