Iran: "confiscated" the Nobel Prize to Shirin Ebadi
never happened. In 108 years of history of the Nobel Prize for Peace, no scheme was ever thought of doing so. Including China and Burma, despite their governments did not have some degree the choice of the Dalai Lama and Aung San Suu Kyi. From Oslo, the seat of the International Committee of the Nobel Prize, now comes a story incredible, confirmed by her. The Revolutionary Guards, apparently in compliance with a set of the Court of Teheran, confiscated the commemorative medal (solid gold) given to Shirin Ebadi (Nobel Peace Prize 2003), his bank accounts seized, beaten and threatened her husband, Javad Tavassolian.
"Unfortunately I have to confirm everything - Shirin Ebadi said from London, where he lives since last June, in a sort of" exile "self-imposed, for fear of being arrested - I do not have words to express my astonishment, my indignation, my anger
Shirin Ebadi, noted for its commitment to human rights, was the first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Prize and the first female judge of the Islamic Republic. After a brief career as a judge, had left the judiciary to pursue, as a lawyer, the defense of thousands of political persecution. A few days before the elections in June, had left the country to attend a conference in Spain. Since then, and after strongly criticized the results, accusing the regime of fraud, has not returned to Iran. "I'm not an exile, but I think I'm more useful to my country to be free citizens abroad rather than at home, but held in a cell." Both the Norwegian Government Swedish have strongly protested against the Iranian government, demanding the immediate return of the medal and the release from seizure of bank account where he deposited the sum Shirin Ebadi (1.3 million dollars) received by the Committee, that the Iranian authorities should maintain be taxed. "I'm his money, earned legitimately tax-exempt in tutti i paesi del mondo, Iran compreso" ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Jonas Gahr Stoere.
Shirin Ebadi in una foto dell'anno scorso, quando l'abbiamo invitata alla Stampa Estera di Tokyo, per una conferenza
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Can You Get Married At The Disneyland Castle
Una simpatica iniziativa...pronto soccorso per peluche
"is born First Aid for ... plush. "You'd get two gentle laugh and say ..." no, do not believe it. "Yet it's all true. At the Zoo of Naples was born the first emergency in the world for stuffed animals .
A good initiative to remind adults that children are susceptible, that must be respected, as they have respect for their stuffed animals, caring for and loving them. Adjust the plush will be totally free and at the expense of the park. During the initiative, each child will receive the certificate of "Friend of the Animals" (containing the basic rules to love and respect animals). Testimonial event will be the small Wanda, a lion in the park visitor, who has just finished weaning, and will be presented to la prima volta al pubblico.
In realtà l'iniziativa non è del tutto originale, qualche mese fa a Moncalieri, vicino Torino, fu avviato l'" ospedale dei pupazzi ".
"is born First Aid for ... plush. "You'd get two gentle laugh and say ..." no, do not believe it. "Yet it's all true. At the Zoo of Naples was born the first emergency in the world for stuffed animals .
A good initiative to remind adults that children are susceptible, that must be respected, as they have respect for their stuffed animals, caring for and loving them. Adjust the plush will be totally free and at the expense of the park. During the initiative, each child will receive the certificate of "Friend of the Animals" (containing the basic rules to love and respect animals). Testimonial event will be the small Wanda, a lion in the park visitor, who has just finished weaning, and will be presented to la prima volta al pubblico.
In realtà l'iniziativa non è del tutto originale, qualche mese fa a Moncalieri, vicino Torino, fu avviato l'" ospedale dei pupazzi ".
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Elfa System Compatibility
Animali in scatola...
Restando in tema di maltrattamenti di animali (vedi post precedente), propongo per chi non l'avesse ancora visto, un video andato in onda a Striscia la Notizia qualche settimana fa.
Cliccate su link:
The news, unfortunately I was not entirely new.
months ago, by chance, I happened to browse a website, which proposed the purchase of various items: aquariums, terrariums, books and magazines, pet food ... so everything is set except that the "articles" proposed became more and more "challenging" ... tortoises, water turtles, amphibians and reptiles of various kinds. Clearly, the first feeling was to go to verify the manner in which certain transitions were made. Shipping with couriers at really competitive prices, in short, your package could come to your home as any object, perhaps insieme alla bolletta del mese.
Semplicemente vergognoso !
Comunicai subito a chi di dovere quello che avevo trovato sul web, non so come andò a finire, fatto sta che attualmente lo stesso sito proprone ugualmente la vendita di animali con acquisto e pagamento online, con la differenza che gli animali adesso vanno ritirati direttamente in sede.
In realtà bisognerebbe verificare che la vendita sia regolare e che effettivamente avvenga come indicato (perchè pagare online se poi ritiro l'animale di persona????). Il lavoro svolto da Striscia è sempre straordinario, con i giusti mezzi e le giuste possibilità, finalmente qualcuno opera in modo concreto per i nostri amici animali e soprattutto, certa gente has a reason to have it in your pants.
Restando in tema di maltrattamenti di animali (vedi post precedente), propongo per chi non l'avesse ancora visto, un video andato in onda a Striscia la Notizia qualche settimana fa.
Cliccate su link:
The news, unfortunately I was not entirely new.
months ago, by chance, I happened to browse a website, which proposed the purchase of various items: aquariums, terrariums, books and magazines, pet food ... so everything is set except that the "articles" proposed became more and more "challenging" ... tortoises, water turtles, amphibians and reptiles of various kinds. Clearly, the first feeling was to go to verify the manner in which certain transitions were made. Shipping with couriers at really competitive prices, in short, your package could come to your home as any object, perhaps insieme alla bolletta del mese.
Semplicemente vergognoso !
Comunicai subito a chi di dovere quello che avevo trovato sul web, non so come andò a finire, fatto sta che attualmente lo stesso sito proprone ugualmente la vendita di animali con acquisto e pagamento online, con la differenza che gli animali adesso vanno ritirati direttamente in sede.
In realtà bisognerebbe verificare che la vendita sia regolare e che effettivamente avvenga come indicato (perchè pagare online se poi ritiro l'animale di persona????). Il lavoro svolto da Striscia è sempre straordinario, con i giusti mezzi e le giuste possibilità, finalmente qualcuno opera in modo concreto per i nostri amici animali e soprattutto, certa gente has a reason to have it in your pants.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bangladeshi Phone Card
Non c'è mai fine alla stupidità...umana!
Surfing the internet in search of some of the latest news, I came across the following article title:
"BARI: I had at home turtle Caretta Caretta DEHYDRATED, claimed."
Initially I am convinced that this is an absurdity, it may be that human stupidity go that far, but unfortunately the photo accompanying the article just makes me think again. Bisceglie A fisherman has been prosecuted for animal abuse and violation of international guidelines, as it had in the house a turtle Caretta caretta
These details about the poor exemplary
SEGREGATED THE TURTLE 's investigation found that the turtle was segregated at the home of 65, situated in the center, where he lay blocked by a rope tied around his neck. The specimen, a female and the size of 49x48 cm and weighs about 25 kilograms, was visibly suffering, and was entrusted to the CRAS of Molfetta managed by WWF, which thanks to the work of the volunteers was transported to the specialized center for the operation of emergency following the standard procedure, which involves the use of appropriate containers.
E 'can never totally ignore the suffering of another being vivente, come in questo caso, allontanandolo dal proprio habitat e costringendolo ad una condizione contro natura? Purtroppo si, ma non finirò mai per abituarmici.
Surfing the internet in search of some of the latest news, I came across the following article title:
"BARI: I had at home turtle Caretta Caretta DEHYDRATED, claimed."
Initially I am convinced that this is an absurdity, it may be that human stupidity go that far, but unfortunately the photo accompanying the article just makes me think again. Bisceglie A fisherman has been prosecuted for animal abuse and violation of international guidelines, as it had in the house a turtle Caretta caretta
These details about the poor exemplary
SEGREGATED THE TURTLE 's investigation found that the turtle was segregated at the home of 65, situated in the center, where he lay blocked by a rope tied around his neck. The specimen, a female and the size of 49x48 cm and weighs about 25 kilograms, was visibly suffering, and was entrusted to the CRAS of Molfetta managed by WWF, which thanks to the work of the volunteers was transported to the specialized center for the operation of emergency following the standard procedure, which involves the use of appropriate containers.
E 'can never totally ignore the suffering of another being vivente, come in questo caso, allontanandolo dal proprio habitat e costringendolo ad una condizione contro natura? Purtroppo si, ma non finirò mai per abituarmici.
Worried Sandal Gap Toes
Flotta giapponese salpa per dare la caccia a 900 balene
Flotta giapponese salpa per dare la caccia a 900 balene
Profondo disappunto dell'Australia per la partenza, anche quest'anno, delle baleniere giapponesi per i mari antartici. L’obiettivo, in questa estate australe, è di uccidere e macellare 900 balene, naturalmente giustificando il tutto con gli ormai poco credibili fini scientifici. Quattro baleniere sono salpate giovedì per un viaggio che si prolungherà per cinque mesi. “Gli scienziati nipponici” intendono massacrare 850 balene dal rostro (rarissime) and 50 blue whales. "Japan is missing another opportunity to exchange with the harpoons science - said Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett, who has renewed an invitation to Tokyo to join the non-lethal scientific program on large cetaceans Australia promoted -. Our government has claimed repeatedly that it is not necessary to kill whales to study them and is engaged in an unprecedented effort including the appointment of a special envoy, which will have the important task of being able to persuade Tokyo so back to where they started banishing once and for all these spedizioni.Australia ready for action - Sidney, in parallel, would be collecting documents for a possible appeal to the International Court of Justice. Environmentalists Sea Shepherd, who in past seasons have been prevented from hunting by disruptive actions, including intervening with the boats between the harpoons and the whales, are preparing to send two ships to chase the whalers.
Flotta giapponese salpa per dare la caccia a 900 balene
Profondo disappunto dell'Australia per la partenza, anche quest'anno, delle baleniere giapponesi per i mari antartici. L’obiettivo, in questa estate australe, è di uccidere e macellare 900 balene, naturalmente giustificando il tutto con gli ormai poco credibili fini scientifici. Quattro baleniere sono salpate giovedì per un viaggio che si prolungherà per cinque mesi. “Gli scienziati nipponici” intendono massacrare 850 balene dal rostro (rarissime) and 50 blue whales. "Japan is missing another opportunity to exchange with the harpoons science - said Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett, who has renewed an invitation to Tokyo to join the non-lethal scientific program on large cetaceans Australia promoted -. Our government has claimed repeatedly that it is not necessary to kill whales to study them and is engaged in an unprecedented effort including the appointment of a special envoy, which will have the important task of being able to persuade Tokyo so back to where they started banishing once and for all these spedizioni.Australia ready for action - Sidney, in parallel, would be collecting documents for a possible appeal to the International Court of Justice. Environmentalists Sea Shepherd, who in past seasons have been prevented from hunting by disruptive actions, including intervening with the boats between the harpoons and the whales, are preparing to send two ships to chase the whalers.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
How To Draw The Mv Accident Diagram
Anche il nostro blog è su ALLBLOGS.IT
From today, our blog will have more visibility at
Allblogs is an RSS aggregator created to simplify the search for topics of interest to the 'person who loves to follow the blog.
From today, our blog will have more visibility at
Allblogs is an RSS aggregator created to simplify the search for topics of interest to the 'person who loves to follow the blog.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Lauren London Hair Weave Fusion
There were a time ... butoh and Panta-chan
A volte ritornano. E ti rendi conto che ci sono sempre stati, nascosti nei vivaci sotterranei di Tokyo. Ogni tanto, come i famosi "kappa" di Akutagawa, salgono in superficie. E devi acchiapparli al volo.
Ho avuto modo lo scorso week-end di rivedere - e riascoltare - un paio di "miti" degli anni '70 giapponesi.
Il gruppo hard rock "Zuno Keisatsu" (Polizia del Cervello), guidato da "Panta-chan" sorta di Demetrio Stratos locale (eccolo con il casco dell'Armata Rossa, del quale era simpatizzante) e "Kono buttai", una intrigante pièce di "butoh", il teatro d'avanguardia fondato dai mitici Hijikata Tatsuno e Ohno Kazuo (ancora vivo, 104 anni, segno che danzare, anche a livelli stremi, fa bene!) ad opera del danzatore Meguro Daiji, uno dei giovani continuatori di questa intrigantissima scuola. Un'ora di esercizi a corpo libero, usato sia come strumento di autoliberazione, sia come un'arma impropria contro l'apatia e la rassegnazione. Se siete in letargo, vi dà la sveglia, se siete svegli, hypnotizes you. However, a great shock. Reversed.
The show goes on all week at D-Soko, a Nippori, here is the link. Go to the page, Japanese, English is not updated
For those who wish to learn the business of Butoh, here's a recent video shot in 2007, Asbestos in the study (now closed). But it has nothing to do with the show of which I speak. Just to have a reference point, on You Tube you have a lot of other stuff.
Kazuo Ohno, here are a couple of his performances the most popular "Dead Sea"
and "Okaasan" (Mother). You had 86 years!
One of the "ribs" of the most famous Butoh, forced to "emigrate" in Europe (France) after their performances were rejected by the theaters, Japan is the group Sankai JUKU: Many will remember them for their extreme performances, monuments were hung upside down, painted white. Only recently returned to Japan for an unforgettable tour, the theater "ku-making" in Setagaya: Tobare (tent)
Butoh, as recognized in one of his last interviews Ohno, no longer has the power to surprise, shock, strike. But preserves the power of the public transfigured.
A volte ritornano. E ti rendi conto che ci sono sempre stati, nascosti nei vivaci sotterranei di Tokyo. Ogni tanto, come i famosi "kappa" di Akutagawa, salgono in superficie. E devi acchiapparli al volo.
Ho avuto modo lo scorso week-end di rivedere - e riascoltare - un paio di "miti" degli anni '70 giapponesi.
Il gruppo hard rock "Zuno Keisatsu" (Polizia del Cervello), guidato da "Panta-chan" sorta di Demetrio Stratos locale (eccolo con il casco dell'Armata Rossa, del quale era simpatizzante) e "Kono buttai", una intrigante pièce di "butoh", il teatro d'avanguardia fondato dai mitici Hijikata Tatsuno e Ohno Kazuo (ancora vivo, 104 anni, segno che danzare, anche a livelli stremi, fa bene!) ad opera del danzatore Meguro Daiji, uno dei giovani continuatori di questa intrigantissima scuola. Un'ora di esercizi a corpo libero, usato sia come strumento di autoliberazione, sia come un'arma impropria contro l'apatia e la rassegnazione. Se siete in letargo, vi dà la sveglia, se siete svegli, hypnotizes you. However, a great shock. Reversed.
The show goes on all week at D-Soko, a Nippori, here is the link. Go to the page, Japanese, English is not updated
For those who wish to learn the business of Butoh, here's a recent video shot in 2007, Asbestos in the study (now closed). But it has nothing to do with the show of which I speak. Just to have a reference point, on You Tube you have a lot of other stuff.
Kazuo Ohno, here are a couple of his performances the most popular "Dead Sea"
and "Okaasan" (Mother). You had 86 years!
One of the "ribs" of the most famous Butoh, forced to "emigrate" in Europe (France) after their performances were rejected by the theaters, Japan is the group Sankai JUKU: Many will remember them for their extreme performances, monuments were hung upside down, painted white. Only recently returned to Japan for an unforgettable tour, the theater "ku-making" in Setagaya: Tobare (tent)
Butoh, as recognized in one of his last interviews Ohno, no longer has the power to surprise, shock, strike. But preserves the power of the public transfigured.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Candy Bar Posters Idea To Ask A Guy
Dalai Lama again! Hatoyama
's not every day to "advise" the Dalai Lama .... yet it is so, a question that is not well understood, and asked me to explain it. Now has become a regular event. Exactly one year later, yesterday, we again had the honor to receive the Dalai Lama to the foreign press conference in Tokyo .... An impeccable, done with the usual style of this "simple test" clear concepts, apparently discounted , and for this very effective. The global crisis? It is not just the fault of bankers, politicians, speculators. E 'guilt of us all. The fact that humanity now think of making money, to nourish the body, leaving the spirit of fasting. Ignorance and arrogance lead to devastating effects. And there can be wisdom if not fed, in addition to the body, spirit.
After the conference, I followed the Dalai Lama even at the Ryogoku Kokugikan, the "temple" of sumo, where there has been one exciting joint hearing in front of over 5000 Japanese.
In the coming days I'll follow him in his first historic visit to Okinawa.
's not every day to "advise" the Dalai Lama .... yet it is so, a question that is not well understood, and asked me to explain it. Now has become a regular event. Exactly one year later, yesterday, we again had the honor to receive the Dalai Lama to the foreign press conference in Tokyo .... An impeccable, done with the usual style of this "simple test" clear concepts, apparently discounted , and for this very effective. The global crisis? It is not just the fault of bankers, politicians, speculators. E 'guilt of us all. The fact that humanity now think of making money, to nourish the body, leaving the spirit of fasting. Ignorance and arrogance lead to devastating effects. And there can be wisdom if not fed, in addition to the body, spirit.
After the conference, I followed the Dalai Lama even at the Ryogoku Kokugikan, the "temple" of sumo, where there has been one exciting joint hearing in front of over 5000 Japanese.
In the coming days I'll follow him in his first historic visit to Okinawa.
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