"is born First Aid for ... plush. "You'd get two gentle laugh and say ..." no, do not believe it. "Yet it's all true. At the Zoo of Naples was born the first emergency in the world for stuffed animals .
A good initiative to remind adults that children are susceptible, that must be respected, as they have respect for their stuffed animals, caring for and loving them. Adjust the plush will be totally free and at the expense of the park. During the initiative, each child will receive the certificate of "Friend of the Animals" (containing the basic rules to love and respect animals). Testimonial event will be the small Wanda, a lion in the park visitor, who has just finished weaning, and will be presented to la prima volta al pubblico.
In realtà l'iniziativa non è del tutto originale, qualche mese fa a Moncalieri, vicino Torino, fu avviato l'" ospedale dei pupazzi ".
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