Flotta giapponese salpa per dare la caccia a 900 balene
Flotta giapponese salpa per dare la caccia a 900 balene
Profondo disappunto dell'Australia per la partenza, anche quest'anno, delle baleniere giapponesi per i mari antartici. L’obiettivo, in questa estate australe, è di uccidere e macellare 900 balene, naturalmente giustificando il tutto con gli ormai poco credibili fini scientifici. Quattro baleniere sono salpate giovedì per un viaggio che si prolungherà per cinque mesi. “Gli scienziati nipponici” intendono massacrare 850 balene dal rostro (rarissime) and 50 blue whales. "Japan is missing another opportunity to exchange with the harpoons science - said Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett, who has renewed an invitation to Tokyo to join the non-lethal scientific program on large cetaceans Australia promoted -. Our government has claimed repeatedly that it is not necessary to kill whales to study them and is engaged in an unprecedented effort including the appointment of a special envoy, which will have the important task of being able to persuade Tokyo so back to where they started banishing once and for all these spedizioni.Australia ready for action - Sidney, in parallel, would be collecting documents for a possible appeal to the International Court of Justice. Environmentalists Sea Shepherd, who in past seasons have been prevented from hunting by disruptive actions, including intervening with the boats between the harpoons and the whales, are preparing to send two ships to chase the whalers.
source: http://notizie.tiscali.it
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