ll "our" hanami is at risk
Hanami The traditional "core" of the community Italian cemetery "gaijin" in Aoyama (at the tomb of the legendary Edward Chiossone, one of the "experts" invited to Japan during the Meiji era) is at risk. But do not despair, maybe it's just a "threat" that the people dell'hanami will somehow manage to get around ...
Last night I went by bicycle to see the situation of cherry trees (anything yet, but we know when they decide to flourish we must seize the moment) and I saw many signs hung like these .....
basically says that this year will be forbidden to occupy portions of the cemetery, spread blankets and tarpaulins di plastica, e organizzare party: il cimitero è un luogo pubblico e le tombe debbono essere accessibili a coloro che vogliono visitare i loro cari estinti.
Mah! Certo che le autorità giapponesi (in questo caso l'amministrazione del cimitero, la polizia ed il comune) sono insuperabili nel bloccare la crescita di ogni manifestazione "spontanea" ed eventi non rigorosamente "regolati", che, poitenzialmente, potrebbero essere incontrollabili (basta vedere quello che è successo al party per l'inaugurazione della pizzeria AL TAGLIO, venerdì scorso.... con il solito poliziotto rompicoglioni, che DA SOLO, è riuscito a rovinare la serata a tutti: a proposito, AUGURI Antonio e mi raccomando andiamo tutti spesso to tear the street, a nice slice of pizza).
It 's the soliita compression prohibition after prohibition, the right of assembly ... and happiness (albeit ephemeral ...) noted the absence of squares? Noted the benches "antisocial," with arm attached anti-bum, to prevent an individual we can hang? And the disgraceful - but functional - "architectural barriers" imposed on parks and gardens. Take a tour of the park Miyanoshita in Shibuya: in the 70s we used to gather the left "antagonist", now, thanks to the various flower beds and cement benches, is one of the few urban refuges for homeless people. Between the two, the autorità hanno scelto questi ultimi. Indovinate perchè.
Ma torniamo all'Hanami...
Hanno cominciato qualche anno fa, al cimitero, con il divieto di cucinare (regolarmente violato) e quest'anno provano a rimuovere l'intera tradizione. Speriamo non ci riescano e che il cimitero, come al solito, venga invaso dal festante popolo dell'hanami.
Penso che chi abbia partecipato in passato a questa festa ne condivida il grande valore: passato il primo momento di stupore e perplessità (ma come? mangiare e bere sulle tombe? ma è una profanazione!) dovuta ad una cultura profondamente diversa nella "gestione" dei morti (che si devono sempre piangere, chissà perchè, anzichè ricordarli con affetto e allegria, "coinvolgendoli" nei momenti felici) è un evento davvero bello e culturalmente avvincente.
Comunque sia, ho fatto una breve inchiesta e mi sembra di aver capito:
- che il divieto è frutto dell'inziativa dell'amministrazione del cimitero, stufa di dover ripulire le immondizie lasciate sul posto (e questo è vero: prima eravamo solo noi "gaijin" a comportarci male, ma ora anche gli indigeni non scherzano!)
- che la cosa ha provocato indignazione nel "popolo" hanami (in "rete" c'è un dibattito in corso, mi sembra che la tendenza sia that of caring and go the same)
- perhaps the authorities, if the cemetery is still flooded, it is limited to ensuring that some basic rules are followed and that do not light the stove. But there are always wisps ....
will update everyone with an e-mail: for now we are thinking of Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 maa ... who knows, maybe still will not bloom.
And if the cemetery turned out to be really off limits, we have already spotted a beautiful piece of Yoyogi park, behind the Meiji Shrine.
Where last year, from cherry blossoms, hanging "fruits" delicious, as inquetanti
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Netopia Wireless Tergusb2-n
Dolphin Watching Tours & Research
The Aeolian Dolphin Research (ADR) opens the second year of monitoring cetaceans to the Aeolian Islands and offers to all lovers of the sea and sailing, l ' unique opportunity to organize a relaxing holiday on a boat, forgetting the noise and chaos of city life at sea in a complete and observe cetaceans in their natural habitat.
While browsing in fact you will have the opportunity to meet and observe the whales that live in our seas and thus participate in the research and study of ADR.
The sighting of dolphins and whales requires a lot of patience and a continuous observation della superficie del mare, allo scopo di rilevare i segnali che suggeriscono la presenza di questi splendidi animali, ovvero increspature anomale, sbruffi, spruzzi e pinne; le giornate ideali sono quelle con mare calmo e prive di vento.
A bordo, oltre ad un esperto skipper che si occuperà della conduzione della barca, il socio ADR potrà:
-imparare a distinguere le varie specie di cetacei attraverso le nostre lezioni
-conoscere le tecniche di avvistamento e foto-identificazione
-conoscere il comportamento e le caratteristiche di delfini e balene che vivono nel Mediterraneo
-in caso di avvistamento, ascoltare i suoni prodotti dai delfini, grazie all'utilizzo di un idrofono
-have a marvelous view of the Aeolian islands, with crystal clear waters and stunning scenes of Posidonia
All data collected will be used to establish a picture on the local situation, the presence of cetaceans, distribution, health status and interactions with fishing activities along our coast. In addition, one of the objectives of the ADR is to catalog all the animals seen by the technique of photo-identification, so that they can recognize and follow animal non-invasively over time and estimate the number of animals in the study area, define the social structure of the resident population of animals, to analyze the fidelity geographical area, their distribution, seasonal movements and other migrants.
Weekly prices
Year 2010 From 22 May to 26 June, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 508 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From June 26 to July 31, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 558 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From August 1 to August 8 / 21 August to 28 August, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 608 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, excluding any galley and berths.
from 7 August to 21 August (high season) a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 658 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
from August 28 to September 12: a week for six participants: 20 € + membership association € 608 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From 11 September to 2 October: a week for six participants: 20 € + membership association € 508 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From October 2 to 22 May: one week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 408 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, excluding any galley and berths.
sunscreen sunglasses
snorkeling equipment for those who want a light jacket
photo-video equipment
The Aeolian Dolphin Research (ADR) opens the second year of monitoring cetaceans to the Aeolian Islands and offers to all lovers of the sea and sailing, l ' unique opportunity to organize a relaxing holiday on a boat, forgetting the noise and chaos of city life at sea in a complete and observe cetaceans in their natural habitat.
While browsing in fact you will have the opportunity to meet and observe the whales that live in our seas and thus participate in the research and study of ADR.
The sighting of dolphins and whales requires a lot of patience and a continuous observation della superficie del mare, allo scopo di rilevare i segnali che suggeriscono la presenza di questi splendidi animali, ovvero increspature anomale, sbruffi, spruzzi e pinne; le giornate ideali sono quelle con mare calmo e prive di vento.
A bordo, oltre ad un esperto skipper che si occuperà della conduzione della barca, il socio ADR potrà:
-imparare a distinguere le varie specie di cetacei attraverso le nostre lezioni
-conoscere le tecniche di avvistamento e foto-identificazione
-conoscere il comportamento e le caratteristiche di delfini e balene che vivono nel Mediterraneo
-in caso di avvistamento, ascoltare i suoni prodotti dai delfini, grazie all'utilizzo di un idrofono
-have a marvelous view of the Aeolian islands, with crystal clear waters and stunning scenes of Posidonia
All data collected will be used to establish a picture on the local situation, the presence of cetaceans, distribution, health status and interactions with fishing activities along our coast. In addition, one of the objectives of the ADR is to catalog all the animals seen by the technique of photo-identification, so that they can recognize and follow animal non-invasively over time and estimate the number of animals in the study area, define the social structure of the resident population of animals, to analyze the fidelity geographical area, their distribution, seasonal movements and other migrants.
Weekly prices
Year 2010 From 22 May to 26 June, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 508 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From June 26 to July 31, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 558 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From August 1 to August 8 / 21 August to 28 August, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 608 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, excluding any galley and berths.
from 7 August to 21 August (high season) a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 658 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
from August 28 to September 12: a week for six participants: 20 € + membership association € 608 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From 11 September to 2 October: a week for six participants: 20 € + membership association € 508 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From October 2 to 22 May: one week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 408 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, excluding any galley and berths.
sunscreen sunglasses
snorkeling equipment for those who want a light jacket
photo-video equipment
Fox Body Custom Subwoofer
worker commits suicide in the Toyota Prius just assembled
He did not say anything to anyone. Not even to fellow workers. After three years of contracts "on time", had received the news of the dismissal. He pretended to nothing. He continued to work. Until this morning, when she finished assembling, nellal factory "model" Fujimatsu, his last Prius. Then, instead of going home, came on board the car, sealed the doors from inside with adhesive tape and committed suicide. He chose the easiest and most effective, the most in vogue at the time in Japan. Sufidrico acid. Just eating a bit 'loose in a drink and passes out instantly. And do not you wake up more.
At the time of writing, 5 pm, no agency has yet to beat the news, but took place at six mattina.Io I had with my friend who does the union at Toyota, but in a different factory, that of Tsutsumi. For now, I have only been confirmed in a short article on the issue of local Yomiuri. From which I conclude: the news is true. And I wonder: why not bounce but, as expected, the national press and foreign media? We will see in the coming hours.
The worker who committed suicide was, incidentally, a precarious worker. At his last contract. After almost three years working on the assembly line, it seems, was his last day of work. The fact has happened in the Fujimatsu Factory, where you assemble the Subject and the Prius, the flagship Toyota.
He did not say anything to anyone. Not even to fellow workers. After three years of contracts "on time", had received the news of the dismissal. He pretended to nothing. He continued to work. Until this morning, when she finished assembling, nellal factory "model" Fujimatsu, his last Prius. Then, instead of going home, came on board the car, sealed the doors from inside with adhesive tape and committed suicide. He chose the easiest and most effective, the most in vogue at the time in Japan. Sufidrico acid. Just eating a bit 'loose in a drink and passes out instantly. And do not you wake up more.
At the time of writing, 5 pm, no agency has yet to beat the news, but took place at six mattina.Io I had with my friend who does the union at Toyota, but in a different factory, that of Tsutsumi. For now, I have only been confirmed in a short article on the issue of local Yomiuri. From which I conclude: the news is true. And I wonder: why not bounce but, as expected, the national press and foreign media? We will see in the coming hours.
The worker who committed suicide was, incidentally, a precarious worker. At his last contract. After almost three years working on the assembly line, it seems, was his last day of work. The fact has happened in the Fujimatsu Factory, where you assemble the Subject and the Prius, the flagship Toyota.
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