While browsing in fact you will have the opportunity to meet and observe the whales that live in our seas and thus participate in the research and study of ADR.
The sighting of dolphins and whales requires a lot of patience and a continuous observation della superficie del mare, allo scopo di rilevare i segnali che suggeriscono la presenza di questi splendidi animali, ovvero increspature anomale, sbruffi, spruzzi e pinne; le giornate ideali sono quelle con mare calmo e prive di vento.
A bordo, oltre ad un esperto skipper che si occuperà della conduzione della barca, il socio ADR potrà :
-imparare a distinguere le varie specie di cetacei attraverso le nostre lezioni
-conoscere le tecniche di avvistamento e foto-identificazione
-conoscere il comportamento e le caratteristiche di delfini e balene che vivono nel Mediterraneo
-in caso di avvistamento, ascoltare i suoni prodotti dai delfini, grazie all'utilizzo di un idrofono
-have a marvelous view of the Aeolian islands, with crystal clear waters and stunning scenes of Posidonia
All data collected will be used to establish a picture on the local situation, the presence of cetaceans, distribution, health status and interactions with fishing activities along our coast. In addition, one of the objectives of the ADR is to catalog all the animals seen by the technique of photo-identification, so that they can recognize and follow animal non-invasively over time and estimate the number of animals in the study area, define the social structure of the resident population of animals, to analyze the fidelity geographical area, their distribution, seasonal movements and other migrants.
Weekly prices
Year 2010 From 22 May to 26 June, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 508 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From June 26 to July 31, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 558 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From August 1 to August 8 / 21 August to 28 August, a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 608 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, excluding any galley and berths.
from 7 August to 21 August (high season) a week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 658 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
from August 28 to September 12: a week for six participants: 20 € + membership association € 608 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From 11 September to 2 October: a week for six participants: 20 € + membership association € 508 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, except the galley and possible mooring.
From October 2 to 22 May: one week for 6 participants: 20 € + membership association € 408 per person inclusive of skipper, fuel, excluding any galley and berths.
sunscreen sunglasses
snorkeling equipment for those who want a light jacket
photo-video equipment
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