the end of 2009 it was clear to everyone (see " Photovoltaics, an opportunity not to miss ") that the following would be the year of plenty for the photovoltaic market: state tariffs almost firm and, instead, a scissor kick to the prices of the plants at least 30% over the previous 12 months. In those conditions, a facility in Bergamo had the same rate of return on investment of an installation done at Syracuse a year earlier. All of Italy's Energy Bill slid to the south, with very favorable impact on the business plans of would-be power producers, and in fact already Then I wondered why the ministry did not revise the rates, now that the market is more mature?
During 2010 we have regularly witnessed the explosion in demand for photovoltaics. According to a press release official GSE last January, the installed PV capacity grew by 160% compared to what was done in 2009 also received 55,000 requests for additional facilities to be put into operation by June 2011 for the same incentives, according to the terms prescribed by law 129/2010. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happened, you just saying that ultimately the power of incentive should be somewhere around a total of 5.850 MW 1.150 MW against the incentives since there is a mechanism of feed-in tariff weblog Italy (2005). But why, I ask again, in a situation of imbalance between incentives and prices of the plants, the ministry has promoted a law such as the 129/2010 that has over-stimulated demand, already very strong? Maybe you could find an answer by searching the beneficiaries of 4.000 MW last admitted to the incentive ...
However, when the first reports have circulated about the Roman decree with the proposed cut retroactive incentives and the question of a roof at a height of 8.000 MW could not believe it, but how this is or is not the same government that has ruled over the past 12-15 months? I admit that being stayed for five months without a charge of the department of production activities have also played a role in this process (and not only this, see smash Fiber started in May), but Here we speak of blatant negligence of address in respect of the Energy Bill that took place before the scandal that led to the resignation of Claudio Scajola . Dear Romans, is the government that has proved inadequate to govern the development of photovoltaic industry, not the market you want to impeach.
Now I do not want to take it with only Romani, which I will indeed grant all the mitigating circumstances of the case: the omelette came when it was already done for some time and had to tidy up first and then pull the brake passing - thankless task - for the "bad" situation . But I read his statements about the economic weight of the Energy Bill on the pockets of Italians: those 4.000 MW of so-called "speculation Photovoltaic "will cost about 2 billion euro per year as additional electricity bill, which is one of the most expensive in Europe. Although these arguments have made me quite irritated. It is true that PV is funded from the pockets of Italians, but it is also true that at the same time does not affect the state budget, so it distracts resources from other areas. And if you rightly want to fight the high cost of utility bills, why do not you point your finger at the funding sources "assimilated", which have little or nothing to do with the CIP6 and have been in the past twenty years the preserve of a few? Why do not you look at the costs high for Because of our nuclear legacy And again, why do not you consider the fact that in five years, the green economy has given rise to hundreds of new businesses and provided jobs to 100,000 people and generated benefits for 200,000 self-producers, with all the economic impact of the event, even in terms of tax revenue to the state? Why do not they say that with 7.000 MW installed in June 2011, Italy will cover the 3% of its electricity needs with just the sun, saving gas, coal and oil and avoiding the construction of new power plants at a time plus where the countries from which we import are crossed by political instability?
Romans Had I been, I would have boasted of having brought Italy to be for the second consecutive year, the second country in the world (!) Per MW installed PV: I think, a right-wing government that has made nuclear its flag, which takes such brilliant results in the field of renewables. Stuff to melt in the bile of all the grim ecological surroundings. Romans had to collect the result, venderselo in all forums and television talk show next month and announce election of the rebalancing of the system of incentives, with the simple excuse that the prices of panels have already been cut in half three years and will continue to move down a another 10-15%. Point. Nobody would have broken apart from the usual Bersani, Bindi, etc.. of course, but now we have got used to it.
Unfortunately, I fear that behind the decomposed reaction there are other reasons and specific interests to defend. The nuclear industry first that sees nell'impetuosa growth of renewables as a threat to its very raison d'etre. Moreover, the move to place the referendum nuclear on June 12 to yesterday seems to confirm, is not it?
Unfortunately, I fear that behind the decomposed reaction there are other reasons and specific interests to defend. The nuclear industry first that sees nell'impetuosa growth of renewables as a threat to its very raison d'etre. Moreover, the move to place the referendum nuclear on June 12 to yesterday seems to confirm, is not it?
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