è da circa due anni, e sono fierissimo di questo risultato, che non accendo più la TV e oggi mi viene da fare una riflessione in materia sociale riguardante la "dittatura psicologica" che sta vivendo l'uomo contemporaneo.questa piaga, invisibile e inavvertitamente presente, è il frutto di un sistema mass-mediologico atto a spaventare e indebolire le persone in maniera sottile, entrando attraverso un taglio di bisturi nelle parti più vulnerabili dell'animo human, attacking the image and "stuffing" of desires unsatisfied consumers, the key word is "inspire fear" hiding behind the belief that everything is all useful and necessary, everything has now become a primary need.
off from the 'lower self-esteem by passing double messages in advertising until a proper channeling of free thought and our choices to a single direction, determined beforehand, by those who have interests to manipulate for their own interests.

so, buy that shampoo, solve all your problems with greasy hair because you are worth and people do not agree with the anti-cellulite cream "miracle" can safely go to sea and meet the man in your life again, the your children go to school carefree and your wife has a smile because in the morning with breakfast are all enjoying the snacks without the "sodium", "with lime" and the "xilytolo" ... if we think the price of an advertisement, which around a figure with six zeros, it is easy to deduce that the consultants and psychologists specializing in the marketing of the companies do not lose even a second to make you believe that the product purchased is what you can "save the life "..." that jinx .. unfortunately are not standard", "if you're not ... so you better try very hard" .. . these are the subliminal slogans that pass the Telvision ... not to mention the news programs and talk shows ... I see it in empty talk of some people with whom I am in contact during the day ...
does not look more to the true essence of life ... but what is lacking in the speeches to be happy ... we talk about what happened to that VIP or who investigates the murder is not solved in that particular location unknown before then ... when the topic is war is never spoken of a desire for peace ... but how many deaths were e come sono stati uccisi
tempo fa le cronache furono sconvolte dal delitto di Cogne...vi siete chiesti che fine hanno fatto le indagini?beh..al momento in cui l'audience è sceso sono state prontamente sostituite con quelle dell'ennesimo omicidio stile "thriller"...assassino misterioso da trovare...penso che non ci sia il bisogno di dettagli...siamo veramente liberi di comprare, parlare, guardare e desiderare ciò che vogliamo?
o siamo li, belli appesi e rilassati a bocca aperta davanti ad uno schermo incapaci di filtrare ciò che passa davanti ai nostri occhi?
poveri bambini lasciati dai genitori davanti alla TV dalla mattina alla sera giusto per il fatto che "almeno non mettono in disordine la casa"....
questo post non è a critique raised the large appliance which is the "television" but to people who are exploiting it to their liking and not receiving as a universal means of communication for the peace and spreading positive messages
conclude with this truth that I hope is well Your
"are free only when I follow Christ"
I invite you to reflect
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