Monday, September 24, 2007

Wearing Ladies Underwear


well ... sometimes we take a long vacation, come back again next Friday in Jerusalem of Italy ... a trip with friends and friends who have not yet seen the wonderful "between the lines" ... I can not wait ... a little pilgrimage to say goodbye to the humble St. St. Francis and the sweet Chiara ... every time I come back Assisi I realize the work that the Lord has done and can do with us ... men at a time when everything seems to crumble Jesus takes up the reins of life and we use the light of His gospel ... if you happen to go to S. Mary of the Angels certainly would understand what I am talking ...
If it were not for the little big brother patron saint of Italy, Assisi would have remained a small town in Umbria anonymous ... but thank God today is a city that breathes life Franciscan humility and heart ... simple wisdom which God calls us ... is a school of life for all young Christians who want to build a solid foundation ...
the secret is not to visit the basilicas and churches in the secret place ... is to live among the monks and nuns who live their vocation within the shelters ... breathe the fraternity of S. Francis almost a thousand years after its passage and shows a tendency to live the Gospel in a more concrete
I assure you that going to Assisi pilgrimage will not be a simple ... (because this word knows a bit old) but it will be rediscovery of a saint that was simple and joyful man .... you will not only silence and prayer and reflection ... but growth in a natural and cheerful
I have no problems in saying that St. Francis was crazy .... crazy .... but it
of God and if it were not for him .. if it were not for your "yes", probably we would never conosciuto la parola "minore"...
un saluto alle "suore alcantarine di casa frate jacopa" a padre Giovanni Marini e a tutti i "marroni per scelta"...
ad Assisi ho costruito una stele segno che testimonia che in quel luogo ho incontrato Cristo


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