My heart overflows with beautiful words, I dedicate my poems to the King.
My tongue is a pen of scribe.
You are the fairest of the sons of men,
on your lips is common grace, because you
Elohym blessed forever.
Gird your sword upon your side, Prodi, and Your glory and Your ornament
rides victorious, for the truth and goodness and justice.
and Thy right show you wonderful things:
your arrows are sharp, are the people under you, you
discourage the enemies of the King
Your throne, Elohym, lasts forever;
scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
Ami justice el'empietà hate:
because Elohym, Your Elohym, Has anointed you with oil of gladness
among your peers.
myrrh, aloe and cassia are all thy garments, from the ivory palaces
We celebrate the harps.
Daughters of the King you are meeting;
to your right stands the queen in gold of Ophir.
Hear, O daughter, give ear,
forget your people and your father's house;
the king will desire your beauty, for He is your Lord: Him
pay homage to (daughter) I shot bears gifts, the great people of
flatter your face.
The king's daughter comes in with all his glory,
dressed in cloth of gold and gems.
is led to the King in preziosi ricami;
le vergini compagne con lei, a Te sono condotte;
guidate in festa ed esultanza entrano insieme nel palazzo del Re.
Ai Tuoi padri succederanno i Tuoi figli; li farai capi di tutta la terra.
Farò ricordare il Tuo nome per tutte le generazioni,
perché i popoli Ti loderanno in eterno, per sempre.
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