Ecco alcuni dati su questo imponente mammifero :
- lunghezza massima: 27 m per le femmine - 25 m per i maschi
- peso massimo adulti: 80 t
- maximum age: about 90 years
- age at sexual maturity: 8 - 12 years
- gestation period: 11 - 12 months
- birth length: 6 to 6.5 m
- birth weight: 2000 kg
- period Breastfeeding: 6 - 7 months
- northern hemisphere breeding season: January-February
- southern hemisphere breeding season: May to September
- immersion depth: about 355 m
- Dive time: 20 min
- speed while swimming: 37 km / h
- hazards: air pollution, fishing, man , habitat destruction
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