Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wording For 3rd Birthday Party


Ci sta prendendo gusto il Piccione Montano, Yukio Hatoyama, nuovo premier del Giappone. E oggi ha bastonato per benino Tanigaki, il nuovo leader dell'LDP, leader dell'opposizione. Ho passato un paio di ore in Parlamento, oggi, per assistere dal vivo al primo "question time" dell'era Hatoyama e debbo dire che il nuovo premier se l'è cavata più che bene. Non solo, ma in aula si respirava un clima diverso, da "paese normale". Non sembrava - come spesso succedeva in passato - una riunione di azionisti degli anni '70, quando tutto era deciso prima ancora del dibattito e i deputati, per la maggior parte, ronfavano. Per niente intimidito dalle critiche di Tanigaki, the "Pigeon Mountain" has repel all attacks, often hitting on the break and showing, as well as greater political clarity, even great articulation and elegance of language (well, it is also permissible to be expected, since it comes from the family .. . although it is not assured given that his predecessor Taro Aso was a scion doc, but as everyone knows he could not even correctly read kanji).
"bring the country into bankruptcy," yelled Tanigaki. "That does not make sense to you. You who have ruled so far. ... We will save the country" Hatoyama answered. Even on the issue of Okinawa, before Tanigaki accusing the government of not having a clear and shared (just tonight Hatoyama has blatantly denied his defense minister Kitazawa, who had anticipated the outcome of negotiations with the U.S.: "I do not agree with him - said, decided, Hatoyama - the matter is open") the premier responded very effectively: "Over ten years have not been able to make a decision. We do not take the course in ten days "
Japan is definitely changing. It is really worth to stay here and see how it ends.

for those wishing to follow a couple of lines of question time today, here is the link to Y -Tube. Of course, in Japanese


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