Thursday, December 9, 2010

Green Gums After Extraction

Fine anno, tempo di auto-sconti

End of the year, a time of great discounts from car dealers. Moreover, in these times of lean with government incentives for scrapping zero, if they want to sell something they have no alternative. Apart from staying in the cold, of course!

From time to meditate on whether we were 'to change cars, in view of the fact that we have covered over 190,000 km in 15 years of service overall (average: 13,000 km / year) and that for some time clear signs of slowing down. The ultimi, in ordine temporale: specchietto retrovisore destro rotto (rischio che caschi il vetro ad ogni buca), vaschetta liquido tergicristalli che perde, tergicristalli impazziti che non ritornano in sede, impianto di condizionamento dell'aria che affumica, invece che rinfrescare e poi ancora luce del cruscotto saltata e copricerchione anteriore sinistro disperso e mai piu' ritrovato.

E allora che si può fare? Cedere alla tentazione delle case e comprare una nuova autovettura? Si', ma con quale budget? Oppure accontentarsi di un usato, puntando sempre e comunque al risparmio? Scelta difficile, ma per noi neppure troppo, visto che in passato siamo rimasti scottati dall'esperienza di un'auto di seconda mano apparentemente sana ma in realta' affetta da mille problemi alla centralina elettrica. Alla fine, ci siamo orientati verso l'acquisto di un'auto nuova, oppure km.0 o pronta consegna. Budget-target di spesa pari a circa 15,000 euro, ma se si puo' stare anche sotto tanto meglio! A me quindici-cappa sembrano pure troppi.

Ammesso e non concesso che il ragionamento fino a questo punto abbia un senso, voi che auto avreste scelto? Tra molte alternative, la nostra scelta è ricaduta tra queste 10 berline compatte a benzina (dai 4 ai 4,5 metri di lunghezza), tutte Euro5, dai 100 ai 120 CV di potenza. Eccole, in rigoroso ordine alfabetico:

Note: in comparison, although we have deliberately excluded the beautiful Alfa Romeo Juliet, 'cause list is already started' from € 20 000 up. In addition, we excluded the Citroen C4 and Ford Focus , 'cause in 2011 the new models come out.

To compare them, I followed the classic approach to "hammer" to consume the pages of four-wheel to know numbers by heart, standard equipment and options, ask the dealer quotes the most 'comparable as possible (ie demands for equal 'of options, etc ...), touch, open, measure and, where possible, test drive the vehicles. Eventually, I gave a brushstroke "engineering" to all the work, grilling the data collected on excel sheet and dividing them by topic, with a lot of weight grades. Here, incidentally, considered the macro-categories:

  1. Technical specifications - size, boot, power, emissions, fuel consumption;
  2. Productions - standard equipment optional vs;
  3. line and internal - obviously, we are talking of a purely subjective factor;
  4. Price - you mean the "end", including the collection of used / scrap.

Well, in your opinion who won the day? I tell you in a minute, first, some general consideration.

Volkswagen sells the product substantially more interesting. The 105 hp 1.2 TSI engine with start & stop and 'a true technological jewel, a small, hyper-frugal, but roaring appropriate and responsive; it is told with these three data: 0-100 in the order of 10 s, speed 'top 190 km / h fuel consumption on a mixed route declared a 5.2 l/100 km. It goes without saying 'that the emissions are among the most' low class. The engine is just the heart of a car improved year after year, that gives driving pleasure, interior space, comfort, security and stability. I would add, however, 'that Toyota and' the only house to offer something really new, that is a hybrid (petrol / electric), obviously you have to be willing to spend about 5000 euro more than 'expected .. .

As for standard equipment (airbags / safety, electronic controls the movement / braking, radio and communication interfaces, onboard computer, etc.) wins KIA: practically complete security package serial, radio, steering wheel controls, trip computer, cruise control, assisted in starting up, even the USB port mp3! The "sister" Hyundai stands, while Toyota's heels closely. Finally, note that Opel offers the best combination of options in terms of completeness / extra costs;

Opel, in my opinion, gives the car a total of more 'elegant and well finished, whether we speak of the line is that speak of comfort, rationality 'and interior design. Not everyone, Seat Leon, for example, a line very attractive, but the center console of the car and the air conditioner is to say the least, spartan and outdated. Immediately afterwards, I see Mazda and Fiat (Bravo red or black is beautiful!)

Also on prices, KIA ahead of the competition with almost bargain prices, in consideration of the 7-year warranty. Very attractive prices for Skoda (I expected) and Opel (what a nice surprise!).

The machine, said one of the many business that I have known these days, and 'still purchase a "emotional", to which' can not suit everyone. The important thing 'that we found Manu and I agree that in the end we chose Opel . Surprised? To us it seemed the best compromise possible , in view of fuel economy, the rich technological progress, elegance, the excellent habitability (best boot!) And last but not least, the super-discount for prompt delivery.

Color? White "tamarro" as opposed to the usual gray pearl and silver that have been proposed as an alternative. On this, of course, we can discuss ... :-)


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