Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How Many Points Is Kettle Corn

Rotta-rottissima, praticamente da rottamare

Eccolo qua, il canto del cigno! Ce l'aveva fatta grossa gia' a Istanbul , 'sta infida... Vabbe', cerchiamo di restare calmi e di portare un minimo di rispetto per gli anziani, in fondo sono pur sempre 15 anni di servizio...

Che si rompa la macchina il giorno prima di un viaggio improrogabile e da farsi necessariamente su quattro ruote, irrita parecchio. Ma it breaks in Milan to -8 days from the date of destruction to be carried out in Bergamo and 'a sucker before. Ironically, the machine is located in the underground car park office, where, due to roof height (?) 2 meters, a normal carroattrezzi can not 'go: tap to find someone that has a hook-trailer. And once thrown out of there ', in one way or another, I will have to' spend money - a few or many, more 'easily many - just to take her to the scrap dealer.

Last but not least (so to speak, of course), I returned home on foot to the metro line to temporary failure. No comment. Yet Manu had said that one should not talk about new cars while we were on board the old carolina ... Uff ...

*** PS: 22/12 the written text when I still puzzled about what to do, photos of the start of the 27/12 carroattrezzi, after a long day at the coordination of the "recovery of the wreck." One trick that I and 'cost 140 euros ... aarrgghh!


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