Bunga bunga, but not limited
"Feckless, vain and inefficient":, "Irresponsabile, vanesio and inefficient. "So the former U.S. charge d'affaires of the Embassy in Rome, Elizabeth Dibb (appointed by Bush ...), called in June 2009 on the eve of the G8 Aquila, our Prime Minister. But not only spoke of bunga bunga and judgments of character. Here is the full text of the telegram intercepted by Wikileaks, the newspaper "The Guardian", translated into Italian. Enjoy, and congratulations to Dibba. they were all like her, diplomats Use of crap Americans around the world, would have made less
The Guardian's website published the text of the report dell'incaricata business Embassy USA Elizabeth Dibble dedicated to Silvio Berlusconi in a few sentences had been anticipated in recent days. It is a document dated June 9, 2009 for President Barack Obama's first visit to Washington PresdelCons Italian.
1. Mr President, his meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi comes at a time when his closest advisers fear that Italy is losing credibility and influence it enjoyed under the previous administration in Washington. In fact, while Italy has been a strong partner and ally in almost all oprazioni led by the U.S. in the world since the end of the Cold War, weaknesses internal policies and economic troubles are fading its international influence. Italy continues to support our efforts in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq and the Balkans, but its institutions, diplomatic, military and economic, which the Berlusconi government and its predecessors have diverted resources, I am very tired.
Berlusconi and his government have tried to compensate for the poverty of its investments in instruments of national power by presenting Italy as a broker and partner with the protagonists of the most difficult international tensions. This self-appointed role sometimes has complicated international efforts. On Iran, for example, the role during the previous Italian government had given Tehran the impression that the community International was divided. More recently the government's actions gave Russia a European stage to challenge the security interests of NATO in Europe.
Berlusconi is certainly present as the best hope for moderating the Russian action and will signal to her giving him a mandate to speak on behalf of the West. It will aim to use the Italian presidency of the G8 to address issues well beyond the capabilities and objectives of the organization. We need to discourage both temptations. Italy has an important voice in the Euro-Atlantic community, but his efforts were to be constructive only when undertaken in coordination with the United States and the others major allies.
2. Our relationship with Berlusconi is complex. A word is pro-American and helped us to develop our interests on many levels and dimensions in a way that the government precdente was not willing or able to pursue, since his return to power last spring that in his previous governments. In its first 90 days has approved the creation of a controversial U.S. base that was blocked by an inertia diplomatic and political opposition to anti-American, has eliminated opposition to the presence of Italian troops in Afghanistan, and has allowed us to install two or Africom three commands in Italy. At the same time, criticized the missile defense, NATO enlargement, she and support the independence of Kosovo, defining American provocations against Russia.
He argued that the military coup in Georgia, Putin was necessary to end the killing of innocent people caused by the Georgian President Saakashvili. Shows an exaggerated self-confidence BSAT suna solid and stable political popularity that made him deaf to all dissent. The tight control exercised his government and his party to prevent his staff to give them information unpleasant His unorthodox style of government, along with his frequent verbal gaffes and scandals from the first page (including public disputes over its alleged Don Juan) have led many, even the U.S. government, to assume inept, vacuous and ineffective leader as modern European.
3. Despite his personal flaws, marginalize Berlusconi would limit the levels of cooperation with an important ally. Berlusconi is one of the politicians that lasts the longest in Europe and its popularity in Italy guarantees the influence of the Italian political scene in coming years. He did finish the term of the weak and inefficient Italian governments that have plagued this country since the Second World War. When he was involved with effectiveness, demonstrated the willingness to take measures, even unpopular, in line with ours, including supporting the expansion of NATO's role in Afghanistan and Turkey's entry nell’Unione Europea.
Quando viene ignorato, tende a ritagliarsi un ruolo visibile e spesso poco utile per sé nel quadro internazionale. Avere a che fare con Berlusconi, comunque, richiede un buon equilibrio e una buona coordinazione con lui e con i suoi principali consiglieri e al tempo stesso occorre evitare di dare l’impressione che egli possa parlare a nome nostro con i leader più difficili del mondo.
4. In Italia ci sono state le elezioni per il Parlamento Europeo nei giorni del 6 e del 7 giugno, che hanno confermato il Popolo della Libertà, il partito di Berlusconi, come il principale partito dell’Italia con il 35% dei consensi, molto avanti rispetto al principale partito dell’opposizione, the Democratic Party at 26%. Even if Berlusconi does not have a competitive rivalry in the center, his party has missed the target by 40%, and had to record the growth of xenophobic party in his coalition, the Northern League. The PDL is a party based on customization of its leader, the party's ideology can be summed up in the "Berlusconi". Failure
target of 40% can be attributed to the ambitions of Berlusconi, as well as the effects of weeks of personal attacks by the center during the campaign which also included allegations about sex scandals and illegal tax. One effect will last in time of elections will be the growing competition between PDL and Northern League, which now dominate the Italian political context. The intransigent position of the Northern League against immigration and security have gained much approval, although Berlusconi has tried to divert the flow of votes from the PDL League using the same rhetoric against immigration. Also, after this slight downward election, we can expect that Berlusconi uses the White House meeting and the fact of hosting the G8 Italians to show its importance on an international scale.
5. The economic crisis
prudent banking practices (some would say boring) allowed Italy to avoid the collapse of the financial sector. Banks of Italy non si sono semplicemente impegnate sul fronte dei sub-prime, e non hanno acquistato titoli tossici che hanno causato così tanti problemi negli Stati Uniti e altrove. Ma l’Italia non è stata in grado di evitare i dolorosi effetti della recessione economica che ha seguito la crisi finanziaria. Il tasso di crescita dell’Italia, che era relativamente basso anche prima della crisi, è precipitato a causa del netto calo delle esportazioni e della ridotta domanda interna. La disoccupazione dovrebbe superare l’otto percento quest’anno e salire ancora nel 2010. Gli introiti dovuti alle imposte sono – non inaspettatamente – molto bassi. L’alto livello del debito pubblico dell’Italia e i limiti imposti dall’Unione European prevent the government to carry out fiscal stimulus to stir the economy.
6. G8 The G8
organized by Berlusconi has been marked by a high number of meetings with ministers and junior ministers with the last-minute decision to move the summit from Sardinia to Aquila devastated by an earthquake, a decision that surprised even the his most loyal assistants. He and his Cabinet see in the Italian G8 plus a chance to win over Egypt, Libya and Spain about the possibility of addressing the problems of the world. However, his desire to ensure that the G8 will become secondary to the G20, in his view, meant that there is an ambitious agenda that could lead to important contributions to global warming, Africa and development. Will be eager to work with you to build a legacy of G8 initiatives that will carry the label of Italy. Meeting of Major Economies Forum during the G8, which will include leaders from over 17 countries that create 80 percent of global emissions, will be an important opportunity to find the maximum extent permitted in view of the meeting in Copenhagen in December UN climate change.
7. Guantanamo detainees
Berlusconi has accepted his decision to close Guantanamo, and has publicly and repeatedly stressed il desiderio dell’Italia di sostenere questa mossa accogliendo alcuni detenuti. Il ministro degli esteri Frattini ha confermato al ministro dellagiustizia statunitense Eric Holder le offerte dei funzionari italiani presso l’Unione Europea per negoziare un progetto di azione comune che aiuterà i diversi paesi a stringere degli accordi con gli Stati Uniti. Anche se la minoranza interna alla coalizione di Berlusconi si oppone a prendere questi detenuti, Berlusconi ha detto chiaramente che vede questo come un impegno morale nei confronti degli Stati Uniti.
8. La dipendenza dalle fonti energetiche della Russia, gli accordi poco trasparenti e molto vantaggiosi tra Italia e Russia, e un rapporto personale molto stretto tra Berlusconi e Putin hanno distorto le visioni del primo ministro a tal punto da convincerlo che buona parte delle frizioni tra Occidente e Russia siano causate dagli Stati Uniti e dalla NATO. Agendo da mediatore, Berlusconi pensa di poter riaprire il dialogo e la cooperazione tra l’Europa, gli Stati Uniti e la Russia, ma concentrandosi soprattutto sulla Russia, ritardando l’influenza della NATO sull’Ucraina e sulla Georgia, diluendo gli sforzi dell’Unione Europea per promotore la democrazia in Bielorussia, e minando l’importante ruolo dell’OSCE nel promuovere valori umani e democratici attraverso l’Europa.
Berlusconi ha pubblicamente proposto di mediare le sue relazioni con il presidente russo Medvedev e confida che lei gli darà a signal, however small, to prove his consent. Instead, you might say to Berlusconi that we think that the security issues affecting the Western community should be addressed by the Alliance at the height of his strength, and that the United States are not prepared to scarify some values \u200b\u200bin return for stability short period on the basis of the promises of Russia to behave. And reacting - and the same will trust those who share our values \u200b\u200b- when Russia goes beyond the limit, for example by threatening the sovereignty of neighboring states.
9. Energy
close personal relations between Putin and Berlusconi, and even closer relationship between the company quasi-Italian ENI and Russian Gazprom often put Italy in a position clearly at odds with U.S. government efforts to reduce Europe's dependence on Russian energy. For example, the Italian government is largely ambivalent about the projects that should help Europe diversify its energy imports, but at the same time supports other projects that would increase the presence of energy from Russia to Europe.
ENI, which is owned 30% by the Italian government, often conditional energy policies of the government and use its influence, through the Italian Government to block plans to liberalize the energy market in Europe. Tuttavia, l’Italia sta compiendo alcuni passi nella giusta direzione sostenemmo progetti che diversificheranno le sue fonti energetiche. Sarebbe utile se lei potesse portare all’attenzione di Berlusconi le preoccupazioni del governo statunitense sulla sicurezza energetica europea, enfatizzando il fatto che aumentando i flussi di gas russo superando l’Ucraina non è la stessa cosa rispetto a ricercare diverse nuove fonti energetiche e nuove tecnologie.
10. L’amministrazione Berlusconi sta cercando di riportare l’energia nucleare in Italia. Le aziende statunitensi Westinghouse e GE stanno affrontano la competizione dei rivali stranieri, in particolare della Francia, che stanno facendo pressioni sul governo italiano. È cruciale che gli Stati Uniti chiedano a Berlusconi una competizione corretta e trasparente se le aziende americane vogliono avere le giuste possibilità di puntare ai progetti nucleari dell’Italia.
11. Iran
Con un’Italia delusa dall’esclusione dal P5 più 1 [i cinque paesi membri del consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU più la Germania, ndr], Berlusconi sottolineerà la volontà dell’Italia di essere un interlocutore tra Occidente, Israele e Iran, rivendicando le eccellenti relazioni con tutte le parti coinvolte. Potrebbe anche spingere per ottenere una revisione complessiva del modello P5 più 1. Le autorità italiane sono rimaste entusiaste dal suo impegno di avviare rapporti diplomatici diretti con l’Iran, ma non riescono a resistere alla tentazione di essere parti attive nella creazione dell’evento. Il ministro degli esteri Frattini ha lavorato a lungo per garantire una presenza iraniana all’incontro tra Afghanistan e Pakistan del 26 e 27 giugno, sperando di rivestire un ruolo nel primo incontro tra delegati statunitensi e iraniani degli ultimi decenni.
12. Libia
Berlusconi ha proseguito nella sua politica per sviluppare ed espandere le relazioni tra Italia e Libia, principalmente per arrestare il flusso di immigrati irregolari provenienti dalle coste libiche, ma anche per trarre un accesso più vantaggioso alle riserve di petrolio libico per le società italiane, come l’ENI. Come conseguenza del Trattato di amicizia tra Libia e Italia del 2008 – che ha impegnato la Libia a intensificare le misure per trattenere gli immigrati irregolari ed evitare che dalle proprie coste arrivino in Italia, e che ha anche portato a cinque miliardi di dollari di investimenti per lo sviluppo del paese – il leader libico Gheddafi andrà per la prima volta in visita ufficiale a Roma tra il 10 e il 12 giugno, poco prima della visita di Berlusconi a Washington. Come attuale presidente dell’Unione Africana, Gheddafi sarà presente al summit del G8 all’Aquila e le anticipo che Berlusconi potrebbe fare pressioni per farla incontrare con il leader libico durante la visita.
13. Un alleato per la sicurezza
Berlusconi ha mantenuto un impegno militare significant for Afghanistan (2,600 men, mostly from the Italian Western Command), but rose from fourth to sixth leading participant in the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) when France and Canada have decided to increase their quotas. The meeting in Strasbourg - Kehl, his government is committed to a modest increase to cover the security during the election, if made permanent, would lead Italy again in the group of major participants in the ISAF mission. Berlusconi has also supported the creation of a NATO mission to send trainers to Afghanistan, doubling the number of Police for training and bringing oltre cento unità. L’Italia è stato un partecipante privo di vitalità negli sforzi internazionali sui fronti dell’Afghanistan e del Pakistan e ha tagliato i fondi per le missioni all’estero del 60 percento nel budget di quest’anno. Tuttavia, Berlusconi sa che questa è una priorità per gli Stati Uniti e probabilmente sarà collaborativo se lei lo spingerà a fare di più per l’area.
14. I nostri interessi comuni con l’Italia vanno oltre l’Afghanistan. Le strutture statunitensi in Italia consentono una libertà d’azione incomparabile e sono critiche per la nostra capacità di mantenere stabili le aree del Mediterraneo, del Medio Oriente e del Nord Africa. Abbiamo fifteen thousand men in the six Italian bases and these military installations are home to some of our most advanced resource developed outside the United States. Our bases and our operations outside Italy are not very popular, but Prime Minister Berlusconi, in this government, has decided to prioritize the reports related to security, and the Italian Government has always accepted our requests, despite the risks to domestic politics.
The Italian government has approved the expansion of the Vicenza base to consolidate the 173 Aviation Brigade, the development of the USAF Global Hawk UAV in Sicily and the opportunity to decide on the Italian territory with Africa and the commands of the Navy. La leadership dell’Italia in altre missioni oltreoceano ci consente di concentrare i nostri sforzi sulle nostre priorità. In aggiunta alle sue truppe in Afghanistan, l’Italia ha al momento 2.300 uomini impegnati nei Balcani, 2.400 in Libano ed è uno dei principali partner nella NATO Trading Mission in Iraq.
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