Friday, March 4, 2011

Dongle Emulator For Sentinel Ultrapro

Se il boom del fotovoltaico diventa un problema

the end of 2009 it was clear to everyone (see " Photovoltaics, an opportunity not to miss ") that the following would be the year of plenty for the photovoltaic market: state tariffs almost firm and, instead, a scissor kick to the prices of the plants at least 30% over the previous 12 months. In those conditions, a facility in Bergamo had the same rate of return on investment of an installation done at Syracuse
a year earlier. All of Italy's Energy Bill slid to the south, with very favorable impact on the business plans of would-be power producers, and in fact already Then I wondered why the ministry did not revise the rates, now that the market is more mature?

During 2010 we have regularly witnessed the explosion in demand for photovoltaics. According to a press release official GSE last January, the installed PV capacity grew by 160% compared to what was done in 2009 also received 55,000 requests for additional facilities to be put into operation by June 2011 for the same incentives, according to the terms prescribed by law 129/2010. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happened, you just saying that ultimately the power of incentive should be somewhere around a total of 5.850 MW 1.150 MW against the incentives since there is a mechanism of feed-in tariff weblog Italy (2005). But why, I ask again, in a situation of imbalance between incentives and prices of the plants, the ministry has promoted a law such as the 129/2010 that has over-stimulated demand, already very strong? Maybe you could find an answer by searching the beneficiaries of 4.000 MW last admitted to the incentive ...

However, when the first reports have circulated about the Roman decree with the proposed cut retroactive incentives and the question of a roof at a height of 8.000 MW could not believe it, but how this is or is not the same government that has ruled over the past 12-15 months? I admit that being stayed for five months without a charge of the department of production activities have also played a role in this process (and not only this, see smash Fiber started in May), but Here we speak of blatant negligence of address in respect of the Energy Bill that took place before the scandal that led to the resignation of Claudio Scajola . Dear Romans, is the government that has proved inadequate to govern the development of photovoltaic industry, not the market you want to impeach.

Now I do not want to take it with only Romani, which I will indeed grant all the mitigating circumstances of the case: the omelette came when it was already done for some time and had to tidy up first and then pull the brake passing - thankless task - for the "bad" situation . But I read his statements about the economic weight of the Energy Bill on the pockets of Italians: those 4.000 MW of so-called "speculation Photovoltaic "will cost about 2 billion euro per year as additional electricity bill, which is one of the most expensive in Europe. Although these arguments have made me quite irritated. It is true that PV is funded from the pockets of Italians, but it is also true that at the same time does not affect the state budget, so it distracts resources from other areas. And if you rightly want to fight the high cost of utility bills, why do not you point your finger at the funding sources "assimilated", which have little or nothing to do with the CIP6 and have been in the past twenty years the preserve of a few? Why do not you look at the costs high for Because of our nuclear legacy And again, why do not you consider the fact that in five years, the green economy has given rise to hundreds of new businesses and provided jobs to 100,000 people and generated benefits for 200,000 self-producers, with all the economic impact of the event, even in terms of tax revenue to the state? Why do not they say that with 7.000 MW installed in June 2011, Italy will cover the 3% of its electricity needs with just the sun, saving gas, coal and oil and avoiding the construction of new power plants at a time plus where the countries from which we import are crossed by political instability?

Romans Had I been, I would have boasted of having brought Italy to be for the second consecutive year, the second country in the world (!) Per MW installed PV: I think, a right-wing government that has made nuclear its flag, which takes such brilliant results in the field of renewables. Stuff to melt in the bile of all the grim ecological surroundings. Romans had to collect the result, venderselo in all forums and television talk show next month and announce election of the rebalancing of the system of incentives, with the simple excuse that the prices of panels have already been cut in half three years and will continue to move down a another 10-15%. Point. Nobody would have broken apart from the usual Bersani, Bindi, etc.. of course, but now we have got used to it.

Unfortunately, I fear that behind the decomposed reaction there are other reasons and specific interests to defend. The nuclear industry first that sees nell'impetuosa growth of renewables as a threat to its very raison d'etre. Moreover, the move to place the referendum nuclear on June 12 to yesterday seems to confirm, is not it?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Top Ecchi, Harem Anime List

Modifica dell'art.75, premiamo la partecipazione!

Article 75 of the Italian Constitution establishes the referendum as an instrument of popular consultation on some of the laws enacted by Parliament, but we restrict both the valence and binding to a specific condition: the quorum of eligible voters.

Why is there this constraint?

Perhaps the founding fathers took for granted the fact that at least 50% of people actively participate in the political life of the country? Or maybe they wanted to avoid precisely that a small minority at will be able to impose its will on everyone? Maybe one or the other, but now - after two generations of elected officials and voters - the most evil 'that afflicts large Democracy is abstention, the disaffection, the indifference of grandi fette di elettorato rispetto al tema della gestione della cosa pubblica. Una condizione, questa, che e' figlia della disillusione e della sfiducia nei confronti di partiti e classe dirigente, che della politica sono l'incarnazione.

E senza partecipazione la democrazia è una parola vuota, senza significato. Prendo a prestito - lo avrete certamente notato - le parole di un grande milanese: Giorgio Gaber . A me vien facile, giacché lavoro e vivo a due passi dal bar del Giambellino  (oggi bar Masuri, in foto... ci pensate, son passati 50 anni!) e respiro un pò di quell'aria che ha ispirato quei testi meravigliosi.

Insomma, oggi piu' che mai, we need to focus on the direct involvement of the electorate and give strength institute a referendum, because people come back to take an interest in public affairs and believe in the possibility of building their own future. To do this, it is necessary that every vote really counts. We must ensure that each individual has a successful referendum to abolish or confirmation of the law in question, and that politicians can no longer play with the calendar (at the expense of the community), with thinly-veiled attempt to scuttle the awkward questions.

modify Article 75, just drop a line, not even the effort to restructure!

Article 75 of the Italian Constitution
È indetto referendum popolare per deliberare l'abrogazione, totale o parziale, di una legge o di un atto avente valore di legge, quando lo richiedono cinquecentomila elettori o cinque Consigli regionali. Non è ammesso il referendum per le leggi tributarie e di bilancio, di amnistia e di indulto, di autorizzazione a ratificare trattati internazionali. Hanno diritto di partecipare al referendum tutti i cittadini chiamati ad eleggere la Camera dei deputati. La proposta soggetta a referendum è approvata se ha partecipato alla votazione la maggioranza degli aventi diritto, e se è raggiunta la maggioranza dei voti validamente espressi.La legge determina le modalità di attuazione del referendum.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

List Two Allusions To Romeo And Juliet

Ciao nonna!

Yesterday I hailed for the last time a person very dear to me. In fact, when for so long has loved someone, there's no way you leave us, even if he dies, because it ends up becoming an integral part of ourselves, even, in some cases, certainly in my case, one ends even with the look a little like.

And so I look in the mirror and see those beautiful hazel eyes that is so Sicily was proud. The eyes Sicilian grandfather who fell in love with the Saints during the war and that Matthew neighbor, when he was a little girl.

I look at my hands and I think the passion for the piano that I have instilled. She was to accompany me to the first lesson in music theory at the home of close friend Diana when I was only eight years, but it was she who taught me how much magic would release a keyboard and a way of understanding music. When you put the piano to play the songs of his day, the world would stop, lit up and all sang the heady air of celebration.

I smile and think what was exciting and ready il suo sorriso. Mia nonna Pina era la persona più solare, allegra e gioviale che conoscessi. Amava stare in compagnia e organizzava pranzi, cene e feste bellissime, di cui lei e il nonno erano l’anima. Non potete immaginare la calda atmosfera dei Natali in via Clara Maffeis, e la bellezza delle feste di San Giuseppe in compagnia degli amici della lirica.

Ma mia nonna era soprattutto una donna che amava la sua famiglia e che ad essa ha dedicato tutta la sua vita di moglie, madre e casalinga. Quante volte le ho sentito raccontare la storia dei suoi cinque traslochi per seguire gli avanzamenti di carriera del marito, passando per la Sicilia, la Sardegna, la Toscana e, Finally, Lombardy, Bergamo, final destination of a trip of a life up for Italy!

Here were married my parents were born here and my sister and I, we enjoyed the infinite tenderness of a grandmother who doted on her grandchildren. But perhaps the most beautiful memories are linked to another place, quiet and sunny on the balcony of the house of Marina di Massa, where her grandmother until last summer, even with all his infirmities, he spent his happiest hours. Among the many beautiful things, he also loved the sea. The sea ... That must be why the mountain has always made me a little 'fear?

Hello Grandma!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ap Bio Lab 5 Answers Graph Corrected Difference?

Summer 2011 - 3rd Country monitoring cetaceans

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Creates Cold Air

Una differenza da 50 grammi

close look at the two pictures up here: one on the left was taken yesterday morning around 08:10 from the balcony of my house, a few hours before it began to rain, while the right (which I have to flip the game) was taken today at the same time, after hours and hours of rainfall. What differences do you see? Apart from the position of the car and some damper down more or less, the big difference between the two photos is in the air: on the left, the air satura di polveri sottili che sbiadisce i contorni dei palazzi di fronte, a destra l’aria tersa e pulita dalle abbondanti piogge. O, se volete, la differenza pesa quanto i circa 50 grammi di PM10 provvidenzialmente scaricati sul selciato del cortile condominiale dalla pioggia.

Milano soffoca , lo sanno tutti e queste immagini (inquietanti) ne sono solo una riprova. Sono bastati meno di quaranta giorni per esaurire il bonus annuale di 35 giorni di sforamento dei limiti del PM10 previsti dalla legge e parliamo di ampi sforamenti, ben oltre la famosa soglia dei 50 microgrammi per metro cubo. Vengono i brividi a pensare che dovremo respirare questa robaccia per gli altri trecento giorni del 2011 e poi per chissà quanti anni ancora, con rischi sempre maggiori per la salute.

Di fronte ad una situazione tanto critica, che cosa può fare un povero assessore alla Salute? Uno che non ha certo la bacchetta magica? Probabilmente non molto, per lo meno nel breve periodo, a meno di non voler imporre alla Giunta – ma non sia mai, per carità! – il blocco totale della circolazione degli autoveicoli in città. Ma il nostro Giampaolo Landi di Chiavenna ci ha voluto stupire, in negativo, inventandosi una originale quanto concettualmente irritante campagna di misurazione gratuita del respiro, con il deliberato intento di gettare acqua sul fuoco, anzi, sulla cenere. Non ci credete? Andatevi a leggere l’articolo intitolato “ Un Respiro di Sollievo ” sulla sezione “salute” del portale del Comune. In pratica, dal 6 al 9 febbraio un’unità mobile dell’AVIS ha sottoposto al test dello spirometro delle persone volontarie raccolte casualmente in quattro piazze della città, scoprendo che non vi erano, se non in pochi casi di fumatori incalliti, alterazioni della capacità respiratoria. Da lì, le conclusioni tirate già il 7 febbraio dal nostro assessore (neppure il tempo di attendere gli esiti della quattro giorni di test): “ gli allarmismi [per lo smog] sono infondati ”.

Ora, vorrei anzitutto dire che su temi tanto seri come inquinamento e salute bisognerebbe tenere un atteggiamento di maggior prudenza: a certe conclusioni non ci si arriva in quattro giorni, misurando il soffio a qualche decina di passanti per strada! Che anche i milanesi corrano un serio rischio sulla salute (leggi “aumento della mortalità”) associato alla concentrazione delle polveri sottili è un fatto che pochi si sognerebbero di mettere in discussione, dal momento che esistono sia studi prodotti dalle asl locali , sia studi più estesi condotti a livello nazionale e internazionale dall’OMS. Inoltre, è noto che le polveri sottili producano dei danni anche a livello del sistema circolatorio, oltre che a livello respiratorio, aumentando così il rischio di trombosi e ischemie (non una parola, ovviamente, su questa faccenda in " Prevention / cardiovascular disease " Site of the City). Deputy Mayor, how many people could be saved if we reduce significantly the level of PM10?

Milan suffocates and minimizes policy, rejecting the accusations. Meanwhile, however, prosecutors in Milan investigating the responsibilities of the various Moratti, Mayor and Formigoni and the European Court of Justice is preparing to judge Italy, after the last November 24 the European Commission has formally accused infringement of Directive 2008/50/EC on Environment and Air Quality. Risk-think - fines very, very salty. I wonder why things that we should only go forward and only hits the judgments of the judiciary ...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Career Stimulus Package Scam Elearners


Several people have asked me how was the visit of the Museo Del Nocevento . Get there! First of all if, like me, you decide to go on Sunday unfortunately necessary that we charge at least two hours of good tail. Council then to go in the week (Thursday 'is open until 22:30) or, if you really must be Sunday, organized a great group of friends, so' to kill time in joy (we had a dozen, thanks the remarkable ability ' da PR di Carmen). Altra questione importante: non sbagliate coda, una delle due chilometriche file si dirige all'ingresso di Palazzo Reale, dove ha sede la mostra temporanea dedicata a Dali' . Peraltro sarebbe un'ottima alternativa.

Tornando al tema, a me la visita e' piaciuta molto. Abituato - per cosi' dire - alle ridotte superfici espositive di Palazzo Reale sono rimasto colpito anzitutto dall'ampiezza complessiva dei volumi di questo neonato museo civico. Molto carina, poi, l'idea della rampa ad elica d'ingresso, nonche' la vista su Piazza Duomo che si apre all'ultimo piano dal balcone coperto: peccato solo che tra vetri, e luci riflesse non ci siano punti da cui poter take a decent picture overview. To make the museum on the various horizontal and vertical levels on which 'distributed, the Palace dell'Arengario - dating back to the 30s of last century - and' completely "emptied" and rebuilt, leaving intact only the exterior . A 20 million euro project, which lasted more than three years.

The show opens with the famous "The Fourth Estate" of Pellizza by Volpedo and continues with a valuable collection Jucker (with Picasso and Modigliani) and the works of the Futurists: large space dedicated to Milan Boccioni, Balla, Carra 'and Severini. Very rich and interesting collection of prints, books and historical documents: a treasure trove of information the cultural and political fervor that inspired the pre-fascist. The upper floors are accessed sections on De Chirico (Of course, none of the great masterpieces), Morandi and abstract as the geometric Melotti (his work that I photographed for this post) and Fontana. Really amazing, sometimes funny and incomprehensible anyway - for the ignorant such as myself - the works on display in the final rooms of the various Manzoni (that of "artist's shit", so to speak), Marini, Uncini, Ancelin, Merz (with its funny Zebra Fibonacci), Boettger, etc ... Especially for this last section, it would be advisable to take a self-guided tour or, better yet, in the company of an expert, 'cause we will struggle as an alternative a cogliere il significato artistico di certe opere.

Least but not last: fino alla fine di Febbraio l'entrata e' gratuita... :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gpsphone Gameshark Emerald


Cara Cinzia,

Grazie a te del tuo commento. Non avrei mai detto che la definizione di " oracolo casalingo " avrebbe potuto suscitare un commento cosi' accorato. Il fatto che sia successo mi ha fatto pensare e credo sia buona cosa condividere nel modo più ampio (e quindi con un post dedicato) le seguenti riflessioni.

Anzitutto, partirei dal fatto che il modello di “donna perfetta” a cui facevi cenno è tramontato for quite a while. Those who think more 'to the "perfect woman" in terms of devoted wife, angel of the hearth, or even hear-hear, good housewife? Nobody (well, 'the "good housewife" would add "fortunately") are categories that belong to one or perhaps two generations before our own. In a few decades, the scale of values \u200b\u200bhas been completely subverted and a new way of thinking has been imposed on the consciences of all: I think "Stepford Wives" today has to do mainly with youth, breathtaking curves, trendy look. We are talking thus outer beauty.

Unfortunately, there has been pushed so far that today's woman seems to have lost any kind of connotation that is not the merely physical. I think the myth of the tissue or the phenomenon of the explosion of the use of cosmetic surgery (paid in installments now, in times of crisis). The rule is look, the merit or anything else come much later. Other side of the coin is that women also buy packs of ten, twenty, a hundred: nothing strange, as all goods, even the women - as long as any good - they have their price. This is revealed by recent news stories and whatever they think the debate on women is open and involves everyone (men, where are you? asks Sister Rita ).

Well, proprio in un momento come questo è bene che si parli della virtù che le donne acquistano all’interno di un matrimonio. È proprio così, diventano un “oracolo casalingo”: si può sorridere sull’espressione, ma come hai apprezzabilmente colto tu dietro queste parole c’è una verità profonda, una verità dell’esperienza e cioè che in una moglie amata puoi riporre una fiducia totale. Attenzione che qui si parla di un valore che non si può comprare, o vedere. Simply priceless!

A presto,
The Cicianebbia's

PS: Nella foto l'oracolo, a Delphi.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Prayer Of The Faithful For Weddings 2010

Travaglio a pillole

Tel chi . In questa fotografia riconoscerete sicuramente il vice-direttore de Il Fatto Quotidiano , Marco Travaglio. Gliel'ho scattata ieri sera al Bobino Club di Milano (in zona Darsena-Navigli, un locale molto in voga per gli aperitvi), in occasione della presentazione del suo ultimo libro " Colti sul Fatto ". A dire il vero, sarebbe stato di gran lunga piu' interessante scattare una fotografia al pubblico presente: da non credere! Una sala gremita di giovani e giovanissimi, tutti o quasi dai venti ai trent'anni, tanto che mi sono sentito il vecchietto di turno (be', probabilmente, inizio pure se ad esserlo). Ma questo non quel è il genere di eventi appannaggio Exclusive some right-thinking intellectuals fogies? Back home, I turned the question to the oracle home and his response was that there is nothing to marvel at: the new generation raised on bread and inform the Internet through blogs and web-tv yutube ( as "Word of mouth ") and therefore know very well the information guru in unconventional ways. I do not know if he is right, but I like to believe.

Travaglio. Yesterday I listened to him talk about the attack to Belpietro, the house of Monte Carlo, etc Ruby appropriate. and I thought here is a man held hostage by the public figure who has become, over that script just will not go. In his place I would be bored to death if I had always soltanto occuparmi dei guai giudiziari del premier e di vicende correlate (anche se, concediamoglielo, il materiale è abbondante e vario). Tanto più - lo voglio proprio dire - che di fatti assai più interessanti e cruciali da raccontare sui giornali o da condensare in un libro ce n’è diversi di questi tempi: chessò io, l’energia e le sfide che ci attendono al tramonto dell’era del petrolio, la crisi ambientale e la febbre climatica, la crisi delle economie occidentali e del modello dollaro-centrico, la dirompente crescita delle potenze asiatiche, il fermento sociale e politico nei paesi islamici e africani. Ma solo per citarne alcuni. In effetti, Travaglio va preso a pillole.

Però. Però. Però. Labor is one who speaks carefully citing the facts, not propaganda mica does to someone. His newspaper is liable only to the reader and not a powerful editor or advertising that collects eeehhh ... ... good old " The Voice"! Many of them labeled as an irritant mystifying common, right then I should also explain why yesterday (But not just yesterday) to shoot zero on Veltroni's PD and D'Alema. Hoaxer, but that means? In Italy, as many have noted, there is no longer truth or falsehood, right or wrong, but for a 50% or so of the electorate PD + PDL seems to be just huge and uncritical "faith" in the policy (the shades are on, you feel like the stadium): here or there, no matter how well does the team. Big deal you did, dear voters of the "right" and the "left"! And now excuse me, but it's time for the pill.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wording For 35 Birthday Invitation

Polveri sottili a Milano, quale verità?

If you wanted information about the "quality 'air in Milan in 2010 " (know what it', let's see what I breathed in the year just concluded), would remain overwhelmed by doubts. To begin with, the first two links which Google are quite contradictory answers:
  1. [gloomy] 's quality air, Milan collapses in the standings - from the archive of the Republic, an article in the Oct. 19 citing as source the seventeenth report, "Urban Ecosystem " of Legambiente, which states that Milan has given seventeen rankings than the previous year's standings, having recorded an increase (very modest, to be honest) the concentration of fine particles and, above all, a strong increase in ozone concentration
  2. [blue skies] TOWN MILAN - Improve air quality . The note published on November 9 cites data published by ARPA, Regional Agency Environmental Protection Agency that constantly monitors the situation. According to official reports the City, the concentration of PM10 and 'diminished even further than last year, which was the best year since we measure that value, in addition, fine particles have been halved compared to a decade ago.
So, what 'the truth' on which 'the air we breathe? Perhaps the answer is' contained in this third article, the first ranking on Google if you search for "data ARPA underestimated "

  • EU data on smog understated - from the archives of Corriere , an article last March, in which we learn of a study by the European Commission that the units ARPA systematically underestimate the concentrations of PM10 by about 40%. The measures would be much more 'below those recorded by the EU as more technical' concentrations are high.
E 'plausible, then, that the data held by the City certifies at least the trend of improvement in the quality' of the air that there 'was certainly in the last ten years (for one thing we believe: ARPA control units have provided similar data, and comparable with one another, 'cause with the same type of error), however, considered the effects of underestimation ARPA, non c'e' da fidarsi dei raffronti anno su anno. Probabilmente, nel 2010 le cose non sono andate cosi' bene come vorrebbero farci credere...

E dire che io ero partito cercando una semplice conferma alla sensazione che fosse stato un anno tutto sommato positivo per quello che riguardava le polveri sottili in citta'.  Con tutta l'acqua che ha fatto , dico io! Il 2010, infatti, e' stato un anno record per le precipitazioni su Milano e su buona parte della Lombardia, ma anche sul resto della pianura padana: basti pensare a cosa e' successo a Novembre  in Veneto . Io ho sempre saputo che la pioggia abbatte drasticamente le concentrazioni di PM10 e, considerato che abbiamo avuto - solo in autunno, come dimenticarli :-( - dieci weekend di pioggia consecutivi, mi sarei aspettato un effetto positivo sullo smog misurato. Non e' che anche Legambiente c'ha le sonde starate??? Mah. Voi che ne pensate?